Beamer theme for BIMoS – Berlin International Graduate School in Model and Simulation based Research, based on the Metropolis beamer theme.
This is NOT an official template of the Berlin Institute of Technology. It is shared under the CC-BY-SA license.
Modelo de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso para o curso de Licenciatura em Matemática do Campus Blumenau da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).
Facilmente adaptável para outros cursos.
Adaptado do modelo de teses e dissertaçõesM da BU/UFSC por Alisson L. Furlani.
Vorlage für wissenschaftliche Poster (Format DIN A1) im Rahmen des Moduls "Vertiefendes Rechnerpraktikum zur Energietechnik" am Fachgebiet Energietechnik und Umweltschutz der Technischen Universität Berlin. Basierend auf der Latex-Klasse baposter von Brian Amberg und Reinhold Kainhofer (Licence GPL, (c) 2007-2011 )
Template for scientific posters (DIN A1) used in the course "Vertiefendes Rechnerpraktikum zur Energietechnik" at the Chair of Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection, Berlin Institute of Technology. Based on the latex-class baposter from Brian Amberg and Reinhold Kainhofer (Licence GPL, (c) 2007-2011 )
LaTeX project which provides a template for preparing Bachelor/Master/PhD thesis in the Automatic Control and Systems Engineering department of UPB, Romania.
- The main file is thesis.tex.
- Localization options are governed by the switch between 'romanian' and 'english' options (mainly changes in table of contents name, bibliography name and the like).
- The type of report can be switched by selecting 'bachelor', 'master' or 'phd'. The only change is in the content of the titlepage.
The official HPI template of the Algorithm Engineering group for PhD theses. For a license statement, please refer to DISCLAIMER.txt in the template.
Although this template is designed for the HPI, it can be easily adjusted for other institutions as well.
The official HPI template of the Algorithm Engineering group for bachelor and master theses. For a license statement, please refer to DISCLAIMER.txt in the template.
Although this template is designed for the HPI, it can be easily adjusted for other institutions as well.