Template pour présentation de TIPE en beamer.
On y présente les principales actions utiles pour une présentation beamer (liste d'item apparaissant successivement, inclusion d'image, inclusion de code informatique).
Imperial College London provides a set of Competition Poster Templates with official colour-scheme and branding guidelines.
Here we provide LaTeX versions of these templates, which use the beamer poster theme created for Imperial College by Lian Tze Lim (Overleaf).
To start working on your poster, simply click the 'Open as Template' button above. You'll be able to set up your template to use any of the four official Imperial College London poster colour-schemes:
Dark Blue
Light Blue
The template also provides the option to toggle between different sizes (e.g. A0, A1) and different orientations (portrait, landscape) as required.
The example poster shown on the right uses the White colour-scheme, and is set to be A0, portrait by default.