My submission was rejected by the journal because "Font XYZ is not embedded". What can I do?
This is most likely caused by the much-dreaded "font-not-embedded" issue with some PDF/EPS graphics in your project, because the application that created them did not embed the fonts in the fonts: See this link for some background details (especially item no.2).
Regarding the fonts: Here the culprit most likely are graphics, either in eps or pdf format. If you have a graphic with text which does not also contain the font, the font will be missing in the document as well. You have basically two choices here: a) In whatever tool you are using to create the graphics, look for an option to explicitly contain the fonts into the exported graphics. b) Export the text not as text but as curves. If there is no text, no fonts can be missing (ugly solution).
More information:
The best solution is to ensure that your PDF images were exported from their original applications with the embed all fonts option. For example, if you're generating images with R, you can use the embedFonts
method (also here and here).
Alternatively, you can get Overleaf to post-process the PDF for you, though this may cause your project to take some longer time to compile. First, add a file called latexmkrc
(without extensions) to your project, and then paste the following line in that file:
$pdflatex = 'pdflatex %O %S; ps2pdf14 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress %B.pdf %B-embed.pdf; mv %B-embed.pdf %B.pdf';
You may have to make some kind of small change in your .tex
file to trigger a re-compilation and the post-processing to happen.
Overleaf guides
- Creating a document in Overleaf
- Uploading a project
- Copying a project
- Creating a project from a template
- Using the Overleaf project menu
- Including images in Overleaf
- Exporting your work from Overleaf
- Working offline in Overleaf
- Using Track Changes in Overleaf
- Using bibliographies in Overleaf
- Sharing your work with others
- Using the History feature
- Debugging Compilation timeout errors
- How-to guides
- Guide to Overleaf’s premium features
LaTeX Basics
- Creating your first LaTeX document
- Choosing a LaTeX Compiler
- Paragraphs and new lines
- Bold, italics and underlining
- Lists
- Errors
- Mathematical expressions
- Subscripts and superscripts
- Brackets and Parentheses
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- Fractions and Binomials
- Aligning equations
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- Spacing in math mode
- Integrals, sums and limits
- Display style in math mode
- List of Greek letters and math symbols
- Mathematical fonts
- Using the Symbol Palette in Overleaf
Figures and tables
- Inserting Images
- Tables
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- Lists of Tables and Figures
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- TikZ package
References and Citations
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- Biblatex bibliography styles
- Biblatex citation styles
- Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using polyglossia and fontspec
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Document structure
- Sections and chapters
- Table of contents
- Cross referencing sections, equations and floats
- Indices
- Glossaries
- Nomenclatures
- Management in a large project
- Multi-file LaTeX projects
- Hyperlinks
- Lengths in LaTeX
- Headers and footers
- Page numbering
- Paragraph formatting
- Line breaks and blank spaces
- Text alignment
- Page size and margins
- Single sided and double sided documents
- Multiple columns
- Counters
- Code listing
- Code Highlighting with minted
- Using colours in LaTeX
- Footnotes
- Margin notes
Field specific
- Theorems and proofs
- Chemistry formulae
- Feynman diagrams
- Molecular orbital diagrams
- Chess notation
- Knitting patterns
- CircuiTikz package
- Pgfplots package
- Typesetting exams in LaTeX
- Knitr
- Attribute Value Matrices
Class files
- Understanding packages and class files
- List of packages and class files
- Writing your own package
- Writing your own class