LaTeX templates — Chinese

本项目为四川大学 Beamer 模板 Overleaf 在线版,在线编译时,由于 Overleaf 平台编译时间限制,请尽量避免使用复杂 tikz 绘图,同时采用俩次编译(初次开启 fast 模式编译,再次关闭 fast 模式编译)

ecnu phd template

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Master/Phd Thesis Template. This is unofficial so you should always double check. 北京邮电大学研究生论文模板。警告:本项目非官方实现,出现问题概不负责。

HITSZThesis is a bachelor dissertation LaTeX template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ). Current version is 2.3, updated on 2020/03/05. Documentation: Template usage (hitszthesis.pdf), Template example (main.pdf). CTAN:, GitHub:

ISCV paper and tech report template.

This is a template for student from the software college of Fudan University and is edited from fduthesis .

南开大学本科生毕业论文模板 v1.2 Nankai University Undergraduate Thesis Template v1.2

An XeLaTeX thesis template for research postgraduate (Master and PhD) students at Capital Normal University (CNU). This thesis template builds upon the TUNA/thuthesis thesis template. It is adapted to meet the regulations governing the format of theses (as of 2017). 首都师范大学硕士学位论文LaTeX模板 基于清华大学学位论文LaTeX模板修改,基本满足首都师范大学硕士学位论文撰写格式要求(2017年)。 Github:
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