Community articles — Math

Something I wrote up to help myself understand the Laplace Transform, what makes it so useful, and most importantly how to derive the Laplace Transform from those useful properties.

A note on gradient-based optimization.


Sejarah matematika tidak bisa dilepaskan dari penemuan dan pengembangan bilangan imajiner. Saat ini bilangan imajiner masih digunakan secara luas dalam berbagai bidang, baik untuk keperluan teoritis maupun praktis. Tetapi sedikit orang yang mengetahui kisah dibalik pengembangan bilangan ini yang telah dipenuhi dengan petualangan dan teka-teki. Juga tidak banyak orang yang mengetahui persentuhan penting bilangan imajiner (atau bilangan kompleks) dengan Landasan Matematika, yang memiliki kaitan penting dengan teori filsafat, ilmu logika dan uraian latar belakang sejarahnya.

Statistical Methods 3025Q

For an electron moving in a circular path in a magnetic field, if we know the magnetic field strength, accelerating voltage, and radius of the electron's trajectory, then we can make an estimation of the electron's charge to mass ratio. We calculated an average charge to mass ratio of \(2.08 \times 10^{11} \pm 1.81 \times 10^8\) Coulombs per kilogram.

We are asked to predict the probability of the event that a student will drop out a course. We firstly extracted many features from the huge dataset. Then we used ensemble learning machine and model stacking technique to get the final result, which ranked the 1st in 68 teams.

The last project in Calculus 1 at Fitchburg State. Students work through steps to develop two different formulations of Simpson's Rule for estimating integrals.

Solución al segundo examen parcial de álgebra
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