MASC-SLL 2020 Submission Template
Khanh Nguyen
Last Updated:
5 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
MASC-SLL 2020 Submission Template

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MASC-SLL 2020 Submission Template
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% File mascsll2020.tex
%% Based on the style files for ACL 2020, which were
%% Based on the style files for ACL 2018, NAACL 2018/19, which were
%% Based on the style files for ACL-2015, with some improvements
%% taken from the NAACL-2016 style
%% Based on the style files for ACL-2014, which were, in turn,
%% based on ACL-2013, ACL-2012, ACL-2011, ACL-2010, ACL-IJCNLP-2009,
%% EACL-2009, IJCNLP-2008...
%% Based on the style files for EACL 2006 by
%%e.agirre@ehu.es or Sergi.Balari@uab.es
%% and that of ACL 08 by Joakim Nivre and Noah Smith
% This is not strictly necessary, and may be commented out,
% but it will improve the layout of the manuscript,
% and will typically save some space.
\aclfinalcopy % Uncomment this line for the final submission
%\def\aclpaperid{***} % Enter the acl Paper ID here
% You can expand the titlebox if you need extra space
% to show all the authors. Please do not make the titlebox
% smaller than 5cm (the original size); we will check this
% in the camera-ready version and ask you to change it back.
\title{Submission Template for MASC-SLL 2020}
\author{First Author \\
Affiliation / Address line 1 \\
Affiliation / Address line 2 \\
Affiliation / Address line 3 \\
\texttt{email@domain} \\\And
Second Author \\
Affiliation / Address line 1 \\
Affiliation / Address line 2 \\
Affiliation / Address line 3 \\
\texttt{email@domain} \\}
YOUR ABSTRACT HERE. Abstracts should be no more than one page, not including references. If an under-review or published paper has more than one page, the authors need to submit a one-page version of the paper and specify as a footnote\footnote{Please specify the name of the conference at which the original work is published or under review.} the name of the conference at which the original work is published or under review.
We strongly recommend the authors revise the ``Introduction" section of the original paper and manage to fit within one page.
Abstract reviewing will not be blind, so please include all names and affiliations of the authors.
An abstract should summarize the motivation, contributions, methods, and evaluation schemes of the research conducted by the authors.
Authors may refer to the following structure:
\item \textbf{Problem and Motivation}. What problem does this research tackle? What challenges motivate the research?
\item \textbf{Contributions}. What type of novel contributions does the research make (e.g., algorithm, theory, modeling, dataset, evaluation)? List the contributions.
\item \textbf{Methods}. Briefly describe the methods that yield the contributions.
\item\textbf{Evaluation}. How are the methods evaluated? Briefly discuss the experimental or theoretical results.