LaTeX templates and examples — Exam

Logic problem.

Template for Math Exams at Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus

examen semestral de fisica

This template was created by Dr. Mahdi A. Khemakhem at the department of Computer Sciences at Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University. It was created based on exam document class ( and respecting the PSAU requirements for the exam cover page.

Modelo de Lista de Exercícios com gabarito ao final, utilizando a classe exam. Vem configurado para o Ensino Superior, mas se adapta automaticamente para ser utilizado no Ensino fundamental ou médio (basta comentar a linha indicada no arquivo InfGerais).

Um exemplo de tempates para cabeçalho de provas no IFPA


This is the template for question paper of Department of CSE of Stamford University Bangladesh.

This template is to facilitate the faculty member of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh to set midterm and final examination questions.
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