LaTeX templates and examples — CVs and résumés
Make a great first impression with our popular LaTeX templates for CVs and résumés.

This template produces a curriculum vitae using the LaTeX class ecv. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

Danilo Plazas Irreño Hoja de Vida

A one-sided CV template in a row layout. The heights and background colors of the rows can be customized to create a featured-content-like layout. Taken from

Niranjan Kamath's Resume

Aayush Chugh's CV

Narayan Bhat's CV. Created with the Medium Length Professional CV template.

Furkan Ozev's CV. Created with Jan Küster's CV template<./p>

Resume for Undergraduates

Modelo de CV para o português Adapted from the TwentySeconds CV template.
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