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  • Posted by John on July 20, 2016

    The Enabling Research Collaboration event held last week in London was a great opportunity for the Overleaf team to talk to university librarians and research office staff to find out first hand what's really important to them.

    Many UK librarians talked about the challenges brought on by the new Open Access legislation that requires UK universities to archive publications from their authors in their institutional pre-print repositories at the point of acceptance to a journal. That is surprisingly tricky, because the paper doesn't usually get a DOI (a digital object identifier --- like a permanent link for a scientific paper) until it is published, which can be weeks or months after acceptance. That makes it hard to link up the initial deposit record with the final published paper, which is exactly what they have to do for the next UK research assessment. Fortunately, solutions are on the way, and we talked about how Overleaf's publisher integrations could help make this process simpler for authors and for librarians who need to meet the new compliance requirements.

    We also heard from Simon Porter on "Research Data Mechanics", and our special guest Helen Josephine who flew over from Stanford to present on 'Facilitating Collaboration at Stanford University', who gives her thoughts on the day in this blog post.

    And there were cupcakes! :)

    Overleaf Cupcakes!

  • Posted by Tim on July 4, 2016
    Select a Mendeley group by name by browsing or searching

    You can now link a Group on Mendeley to a .bib file on Overleaf! This is a great way for coauthors to manage a shared collection of references for their papers on Overleaf.

  • Posted by John on November 19, 2014
    Mendeley API add BibTeX support feedback screenshot

    It’s here! The feature you've been asking for since we first launched our bibliography manager integration in September. You can now import your reference library directly from Mendeley to Overleaf, to make it easy to manage your references and citations in your projects.

  • Posted on September 5, 2013

    We're proud (and excited!) to be officially featured as part of the F1000Research submission process, for example as seen in this extract from their author guidelines page:

    F1000Research author guidelines screenshot

    F1000Research are also offering authors of software papers the chance to submit for free during 2013, to help encourage the documentation of the software used in life sciences research.

  • Posted by John on May 13, 2013

    Organizing your projects within Overleaf is now much simpler with our new 'My Projects' dashboard with streamlined interface. You can now tag and filter your documents for easy navigation.

    Demonstration screencast: how to tag your projects on Overleaf

    Simply tag your documents to organise them into groups - then filter by tag to find your work in an instant.

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