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Free submissions to F1000Research for software and web tool papers

July 22, 2013

From today, F1000Research are waiving their article processing fee for papers documenting the development of bioinformatics software and tools:

F1000Research Logo
"To encourage bioinformatics tool developers to try this new way of publishing, we are inviting the submission of software and web tool papers free of charge to F1000Research."

Read more on the F1000Research blog...

To help support and encourage the documentation of software development, we've collaborated with F1000Research to bring you an easy way to submit your article directly to their open access journal from the writeLaTeX editor.

Submit to F1000Research directly from writeLaTeX

There are two ways to submit an article to F1000Research from writeLaTeX:

1) From any document, simply head to the 'Share" menu and you'll find an option to submit to F1000Research -- your document will be packaged up and you'll be taken to the F1000 site to confirm your submission.

F1000Research Publish Article to Journal Template Screenshot

2) We've also created a special template and customized editor for authors submitting articles to F1000Research. The template has been designed for easy editing online with writeLaTeX, and the editor includes a submission button directly on the topbar menu.

The template is available in our gallery here, or simply click on the image above to start editing online. Please note that this template results in a draft pre-submission PDF document, and articles will be professionally typeset when accepted for publication.

Why publish with F1000Research?

Some benefits of publishing your software paper with F1000Research (quoted from their announcement):

  • Maximises time spent by developers on developing the software, by reducing the time spent on the equally important (but time consuming) job of disseminating documentation on how to use the tool.
  • Benefits tool users as they only need to read a single paper to gain a full overview of how to use your tool, which will include any recent updates.
  • Provides public documentation of software updates which demonstrates to users that your tool is being maintained and improved.
  • Demonstrates to funding bodies that you are actively disseminating updates to your users.
  • The altmetrics that F1000Research provides for all papers can provide additional evidence to funding bodies that your tool is being used by the research community. As we noticed when reading papers, authors often neglect to cite papers relating to bioinformatics software that they have used.
  • We are providing free submissions for software and web tool papers until the end of the year, including subsequent updates to those papers!

Read their full announcement here, and click below to start writing your article today:


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