UNM Ph.D. Proposal and Dissertation Templates
Jeremy Benson
Last Updated
5 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
University of New Mexico templates for proposal and dissertation.
University of New Mexico templates for proposal and dissertation.
% some special formatting
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\normalsize{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}
% section formatting
% Roman page numbers
% table of contents
% list of figures
% list of tables
% preface
% start page numbers in arabic for body
% main body -- maybe you want to include these in other folders
\subsection{State of the Practice}
Put some introduction about your work here~\cite{benson}. \lipsum[2]
\subsubsection{Topic A}
Write about Topic A.
\subsection{Lessons Learned}
\subsection{Appendix A}
% references