University of Utah Honors Thesis Template
Nichols Crawford Taylor
Last Updated
6 ay önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Honors Thesis Template for the University of Utah, created in 2024.
% Note to user - change the citation style to match your area.
% Sorting options
% nty Sort by name, title, year.
% nyt Sort by name, year, title.
% nyvt Sort by name, year, volume, title.
% anyt Sort by alphabetic label, name, year, title.
% anyvt Sort by alphabetic label, name, year, volume, title.
% ynt Sort by year, name, title.
% ydnt Sort by year (descending), name, title.
% none Do not sort at all. All entries are processed in citation order.
% Style options
% ACS chem-acs
% AIP phys
% Nature nature
% Science science
% IEEE ieee
% Chicago chicago-authordate
% MLA mla
% APA apa
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=ieee, sorting=none]{biblatex}
% When making this, I tried to follow the format as closely as possible visually. You may need to adjust things, since some of the spacing is done manually. This might be somewhat hard to do if you aren't familiar with latex.
% As a note, I only did formatting for:
% Chapter
% Section
% Subsection
% So for something like a subsubsection or otherwise, you may need to do some additional leg work.
% I made some design decision with the sections and subsections, which aren't specified as part of the formatting.
% Personally, I think if you're using sections and subsections, you should do numbering, since it more clearly conveys the level of depth. It's a bit hard when we're avoiding font size changes/bolding, but I think either option should be functional.
% Created by: A. Nichols Crawford Taylor, March, 2024.
% Page setup
% Redifines chapter formatting commands
{ \parindent \z@ \normalfont
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
\thechapter \space - \space
\centering \MakeUppercase{#1}\par\nobreak
\vskip 12\p@
{\parindent \z@
\centering \MakeUppercase{#1}\par\nobreak
\vskip 12\p@
{\parindent \z@
\centering \MakeUppercase{#1}\par\nobreak
\vskip 12\p@
% Redifne chapter formatting for chapters in Table of Contents
[0em] %
{\contentslabel{0pt}\hspace{0.7cm}\MakeUppercase}%numbered chapters
{\contentslabel{0pt}\MakeUppercase}%unnumbered chapters
% Redifne chapter formatting for sections in Table of Contents
[1.8em] %
% Redifne chapter formatting for sections in Table of Contents
[4.1em] %
% Redifine formating for section and subsection titles.
\titleformat{\section}[block]{\normalfont}{}{0cm}{\thesection \space - \space \MakeUppercase}
\titleformat{\subsection}[block]{\normalfont}{}{0cm}{\thesubsection \space - \space \MakeUppercase}
\titleformat{name=\subsection,numberless}[runin]{\normalfont}{}{12pt}{\MakeUppercase}[\space - \space\space]
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
% =================================================================================
% Title Page - Fill in your info here!
% =================================================================================
Your Name Here\\
A Senior Honors Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of\\
The University of Utah\\
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the\\
Honors Degree in Bachelor of Science\\
In \\
Your Department
\bigskip \bigskip \bigskip \\
\rule{6cm}{0.4pt} & \rule{6cm}{0.4pt} \\
Your Faculty Supervisor Name & Your Department Chair Name \\
Thesis Faculty Supervisor & Chair, Department of XXXX \\
\bigskip \bigskip \bigskip \\
\rule{6cm}{0.4pt} & \rule{6cm}{0.4pt} \\
Honors Faculty Advisor Name & Monisha Pasupathi, PhD \\
Honors Faculty Advisor & Dean, Honors College \\
Month Year\\
Copyright \textcopyright\ Year\\
All Rights Reserved
\setstretch{2.0} % Double spacing
% Abstract
% =================================================================================
% Abstract - Write your abstract here!
% =================================================================================
\lipsum[1] % Delete these when you start writing, they just fill in with lorem ipsum text.
% =================================================================================
% Table of Contents
% Chapters
% =================================================================================
% Bulk of the writing - Write your thesis here!
% Below are examples of chapters, sections, and subsections, and one citation. Fill in with your own.
% =================================================================================
\chapter{Example chapter}
\section{Example section}
\subsection{Example subsection}
% Example of a bibtex citation.
Citation Example \cite{Nobody06}
\chapter*{Example Unnumbered Chapter}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Example Unnumbered Chapter}
\section*{Example Unnumbered Section}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Example Unnumbered Section}
\subsection*{Example Unnumbered Subsection}
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Example Unnumbered Subsection}
\chapter{Results} %Titles will be automatically capitalized
% =================================================================================
% References
% Candidate Information
\thispagestyle{empty} % Remove page numbering on this page
% =================================================================================
% Candidate info - Fill in your info here.
% =================================================================================
Name of Candidate: Honors Student\\
Date of Submission: May 15, 1997
% =================================================================================