%% cover_ubo.tex
%% Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Konstantinos A. Mountris.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% This work consists of the files cover_ubo.tex, cover_ubo.jpg.
% This work can be used to set the cover of a thesis according
% to UBO (Université de Bretagne Occidentale) style
% (Year 2016-2017)
% To use you can simply:
% 1) Put the following command in the begining of your document
% \include{cover/cover_ubo}
% 2) Update your permeable with the packages given below in
% the PERMEABLE section and comment out the PERMEABLE
% section of this file.
% 3) Be sure that the file cover_ubo.jpg can be found by your
% thesis document.
% 4) Set the values of ubo_variables in the COVER section.
% 5) Comment out the commands \begin{document} and \end{document}
% of this file.
%---------------- PERMEABLE section -------------------------
%* You should may sure that the following packages exist in *
%* your thesis permeable and the given options are enabled. *
\usepackage{helvet} %helvetica font
%Creating the titlepage for your UBO thesis (Memoir class)
%Comment or delete \begin{document}, to be used only for standalone compilation
% Page layout (geometry)
%---------------- UBO variables section ---------------------
%* Custom commands to set Thesis information
%*How to use: \ubomention{(\`a pr\'eciser)}
%*How to use: \uboecoledoctoral{(\`a pr\'eciser)}
%*How to use: \uboauthor{Pr\'enom Nom}}
%*How to use: \ubolab{(\`a pr\'eciser)}}
%*How to use: \ubothesistitle{Titre de la th\'ese}}
%*How to use: \ubothesisdate{(date \`a pr\'eciser)}
%*How to use: \ubojurymember{Prenom}{Nom}{Titre}{Etablissement}{qualite}
{\small{\textsf{\textbf{\small{{#1} \MakeUppercase{#2}} } } } }
{\scriptsize{\textsf{{#3}, {#4} / \textit{{#5}} } } }
%---------------- COVER section --------------------------------
%* Setting of the cover geometries and the ubo variables values.
%Ecole doctorale info.
{\sffamily\bfseries\color{white} \large{TH\`ESE / UNIVERSIT\'E DE BRETAGNE OCCIDENTALE} \par}
{\textsf{\textit{\textcolor{white}{sous le sceau de l{\textquoteright}Universit\'e Bretagne Loire}}} \par}
{\sffamily\color{white} pour obtenir le titre de \par}
{\sffamily\bfseries\color{white} \small{DOCTEUR DE L{\textquoteright}UNIVERSIT\'E DE BRETAGNE OCCIDENTALE} \par}
{\textsf{\textit{\textcolor{white}{Mention : \ubomention{(\`a pr\'eciser)}}}}\par}
{\textsf{\textbf{\textcolor{white}{\'Ecole Doctorale \uboecoledoctoral{(\`a pr\'eciser)}}}} \par}
}%end french language
}%end ecole doctorale info position.
%Ph.D Candidate info.
{\small{\textsf{\textcolor{white} {pr\'esent\'ee par}}} \par}
{\Huge{\textsf{\textcolor{white}{\uboauthor{Pr\'enom Nom}}}} \par}
{\textsf{\large{\textcolor{white}{Pr\'epar\'ee \`a \ubolab{(\`a pr\'eciser)}}}} \par}
}%end Ph.D Candidate info.
%Thesis title.
{\sffamily\color{black}\Huge{\ubothesistitle{Titre de la Th\'ese}}}
}%end Thesis title position.
%Thesis date and jury info.
{\textsf{\textbf{\textcolor{black}{\small{Th\`ese soutenue le \ubothesisdate{(date a pr\'esiser)}}}}}}
{\sffamily\color{black}{\small{devant le jury compos\'e de :}}}
\textsf{\textbf{etc\dots} }
}%end french language.
%Comment or delete \end{document}, to be used only for standalone compilation