%%% Here is the class with everything we need, if you don't want, you don't have to take a look at it, as it will probably cover your needs by far. These three options are used after the class article, which this template is based in.
% \documentclass[a4paper,12pt,oneside]{mybook} %% ONESIDE
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,twoside]{mybook} %% TWOSIDE
% Here is the font I usually use, it can be changed of course.
% In that case, these next two lines have to be deleted.
% Equations have the same font.
\docsubtitle{Document Title}
\dockeywords{Your keywords}
{Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science}% Your Faculty
{University of Barcelona}% Your University
{Elsevier}% Your Publisher
{01A75, 00B50}% AMS
{Barcelona}% Your City
% If you do not want to fill one of the fields, please leave it like this: {}
\author{Author 1 \\ \texttt{ID} \and Author 2 \\ \texttt{ID} \and Author 3 \\ \texttt{ID} \and Author 4 \\ \texttt{ID}}
% A text that goes into the footer. You can even include a logo. It can be left blank, too.
%% Option 1: \footext{\includegraphics[width=2em]{titlepage.png}}
%% Option 2: \footext{Some text}
% What I usually use:
% Don't comment the command below if it's not of much inconvenience, please!
% Last things
% Dummy text
% Interlineate, it can be changed.
% Copyright page
\etocsettocstyle{}{} % from now on only local tocs
\textit{Who hears the fishes when they cry?}\\
Henry David \textsc{Thoreau}
\part{My first part}{Brief explanation of first part, if needed.}
\chapter{First chapter}
\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(x,y)=\text{hello}
\lipsum[4-8] \eqref{eq:hello}
\item \lipsum[14]
\item \lipsum[15]
\section{Last one}
\subsection{Really last one}
\part{Second part}{Brief explanation of second part, if needed.}
\chapter{Second chapter}
\section{My Section}
% Theorem environments
% Appendixes
\caption{Caption of the photo.}
% Bibliography