Template PHD Thesis, UiA 2022
Juan Cartagena & Erik Adalberon
Last Updated:
3 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
UiAdoc & University Library

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%%%%%%%%% Doctoral thesis template, University of Agder %%%%%%%%%
% Maintainer: Erik Yves H. Adalberon, UiA-Universitetsbiblioteket
% Juan Cardenas-Cartagena, UiAdoc - 2022
% Mareike Brehmer, UiAdoc - 2022
% Authors: V1 - UiA-Universitetsbiblioteket, 2017
% V2 - UiA-Universitetsbiblioteket & UiAdoc, 2022
% Copyright 2022 University of Agder
% Need help with this document? Please go to <add webpage> or contact the University Library
%%%%%%%%%% Document settings %%%%%%%%%%
\documentclass[12pt, final]{extbook}
% To enable draft mode and TODO comments, type draft instead of final
% Before delivering the final version, make sure that the document is in 'final mode' instead of 'draft mode'
% Packages header
% Math environment - Add custom math definitions in the file header/math
%----- Future version
% Glossary - Add custom Glossary in the file header/glossary
% \input{header/glossary}
% Nomenclature - Add custom Nomenclature in the file header/nomenclature
%%%%%%%%%% Document begins here %%%%%%%%%%
% Information - Fill the requested information in the file header/information
%%%%%%%%%% Introductory Part %%%%%%%%%%
% Preface
% Acknowledgments
% Abstract
% Publications
%%%%%%%%%% Lists of content, figures, and tables %%%%%%%%%%
% These listings can be commented out if you do not need them
%%%%%%%%%% Nomenclature and glossary %%%%%%%%%%
% Main Part ---------------------
% Chapters-----------------
% To include a new chapter, use the following sample
% \chapter{Name_of_the_Chapter}
% \label{chap:Your_Tag}
% \input{sections/file_name}
% Concerning the file_name, we suggest the notation chapterNumber_nameOfChapter, e.g. 05_introduction
% Save new section tex files in the 'chapters' folder
% Save images in the 'images' folder
\chapter{Background Theory}
\chapter{Concluding Remarks}
% Bibliography -----------------
% Appended Papers -------
% \input{sources/appendedPapers}