%This template has all of the macros I have found useful in the past 4 years of my undergrad. I got most of these macros from my REU mentor Prof. Raul Gomez. This is the format for lecture notes, papers, or involved homeworks, for someone doing algebra, topology, geometry, algebraic geometry, or category theory or anyone else who likes diagrams. Writing down theorems, lemmas, observations and proofs of these are easy in this template. There is also a subroutine here to transpose matrices. There are more notational conveniences here good for people doing any form of lie theory.
%version on July 23,2017
\usepackage{ amssymb, latexsym, amsmath}
\usepackage{ marvosym }
\newtheorem{wildconjecture}[theorem]{Wild Conjecture}
\newcommand{\rmnum}[1]{\romannumeral #1}
\newcommand{\Rmnum}[1]{\expandafter\@slowromancap\romannumeral #1@}
\newcommand{\concat}{(\Id \to \Omega \Sigma)}
\newcommand{\eval}{(\Sigma\Omega \to \Id)}
\newcommand{\set}[2]{ \left\{ {#1} \, \left| \, {#2} \right\}\right.}
\renewcommand{\k}{\mbox{\Fontauri k}}
\newcommand{\Gen}{\operatorname{Gen\, Hom}}
\author{Hari Rau-Murthy}
%put your first lemma over here. The numbering of the lemma will come from the numbering of the section and subsection that you are in.
%put the proof of the lemma here
A \ar[rr] \ar[dr]_\psi & & K\\
& L \ar@{-->}[ur]
0 @>>> @>\left(\psi \otimes \mathbf{1} \right)^*>> @>>> \\
@| @| @| @|\\
0@>>> @>>> @>>>
$\begin{CD} @>>> @>>> @>>> @>>> \\
@|@|@V \phi_M VV @|@| \\
@>>> @>>> @>>> @>>>