12th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference LaTeX template.
Source: https://lrec2020.lrec-conf.org/en/submission2020/authors-kit/.
This is an UPDATED template suitable for submissions to the 14th Conference on Spatial Information Theory, which will be hosted by the Chair for Information Science at the University of Regensburg, Germany. It is a provided as a means of making things easier for those who might not be too familiar with writing LaTeX. The project uses NOW THE 2019 VERSION of the LIPICs class file. Submissions to the conference must adhere to the official LIPICs guidelines for authors to be found at: http://drops.dagstuhl.de/styles/lipics-v2019/lipics-v2019-authors.zip.
Sample document using the v2019 style version of the series OASIcs - OpenAccess Series in Informatics. OASIcs offers a venue for the Open Access and online publication of peer-reviewed proceedings based on international scientific events (workshops, symposia, conferences, ...) that took place outside of Schloss Dagstuhl.
See https://www.dagstuhl.de/oasics
This is a sample file for legacy SIGCHI extended abstracts, using acmart.cls v1.71 (2020/05/04).
Starting in Spring 2020 ACM retired SIGCHI Extended Abstract format (sigchi-a). ACM will not, under any circumstances, accept documents in this format for publication and will not offer technical support to the authors who use this template.
You may use this format in the nonacm mode only, as in \documentclass[sigchi-a, nonacm]{acmart}.
This is a sample file for ACM SIGPLAN conference proceedings, using acmart.cls v2.08 (2024/06/04). It is provided by the ACM as a template for submissions, and pre-loaded in Overleaf (formerly writeLaTeX) for ease of editing online. Please see the ACM Submission Guidelines page for more details on manuscript preparation.
Note: Most proceedings authors will use the "sigconf" proceedings template. If you are unsure which template variant to use, please request clarification from your event or publication contact.
Important information regarding submission versions for review: After finalizing the formatting of your paper you must use the option “manuscript” with \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} command. This will generate the output in single column review format which is required. Accepted manuscripts will be transformed during production to produce properly formatted output accord to the publication specifications. Authors will be provided the opportunity to review and approve the formatted output before the article is published to the ACM Digital Library.