
Rover Resume
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An easy to modify resume template.

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Rover Resume - Fancy Template
% Link: https://github.com/subidit/rover-resume
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pdftitle={My Resume},
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%== HEADER ==%
{\fontsize{36}{36}\selectfont\interthin FANCY\interheavy ROVER} \\ \bigskip
{\color{icnclr}\faEnvelope[regular]} \href{mailto:hi@example.com}{fancy@rover.com} $|$
{\color{icnclr}\faIcon{mobile-alt}} \href{tel:1234567890}{123 456 7890} $|$
{\color{icnclr}\faLinkedinIn} \href{https://www.linkedin.com/}{linkedin.com/in/fancy\_rover}
\subsection{University of Location $|$ {\normalfont\textit{Master of PG Degree}} \hfill 2024}
\item Cumulative GPA: 3.98
\item Related Coursework: Intro to Programming with Python, Database Administration
\item Rover Resume Award
\subsection{Graduation College \hfill City, State}
\subsubsection{Degree Name (B.S.) \hfill Year}
\item GPA: 3.4 (Mention if good)
\item Related Coursework (list of relavent classes to the job)
\item Dean's Award (list any awards or achivements)
\subsection{Amazon \hfill Feb 2008 -- Present}
\subsubsection{Prime Member \hfill City, State}
\item Increased order volume by 823\% over 7 years
\item Researched diverse product catalog, spanning departments from Simplehuman bag liners to cat food.
\item Regularly reported on product quality using review portal.
\subsection{Organization \hfill City, State}
\subsubsection{Position Title \hfill Month Year - Month Year}
\item XYZ method - Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].
\item CAR method - Context, Action, Result. STAR method - Situation, Task, Action, Result.
\item Begin each line with an action verb and include details that will help the reader understand your accomplishments, skills, knowledge, abilities, or achievements.
\item Quantify where possible.
\item[Technical] List computer software and programming languages
\item[Language] List foreign languages and your level of fluency
\item[Laboratory] List scientific / research lab techniques or tools [If Applicable]
\item[Interests] List activities you enjoy that may spark interview conversation
\subsection{Project Name {\normalfont $|$ \href{http://github.com}{\textit{GitHub Link}}} \hfill 2022}
\item Tech used, Language, Frameworks etc.
\item Implemented ABC feature
\item Optimised XYZ by 50\%
\section{Certification \& Awards}
\item [2023] Some programming bootcamp, Location.
\item [2022] Forbes Top 15 Procrastinators under 15.
\item [2021] Conducted workshop on family planning by abstainance in SomePlace.