%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% main.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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% --------------------- Report Template IST [EN] --------------------- %
% %
% João Marafuz Gaspar %
% Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores %
% Instituto Superior Tecnico %
% Av. Rovisco Pais %
% 1049-001 Lisboa %
% Portugal %
% E-mail: joao.marafuz.gaspar@tecnico.ulisboa.pt %
% %
% Created: Jul 30, 2022 %
% Last Modified: May 18, 2024 %
% %
% Revision history %
% v1 - 2022/07/30 - original template %
% v2 - 2023/04/06 - change superscript in the cover, updated font, %
% added subfigures and table %
% v3 - 18/05/2024 - update for using only one font, known by the name %
% of CMU Serif Roman %
% Preamble %
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% Set the document class
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% Define external packages, language, margins, fonts, new commands
% and colors
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\usepackage{appendix} % Appendices
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\usepackage{cite} % Citations, like [1 - 3]
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% Document %
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% Cover
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\includegraphics[scale = 0.3, left]{Images/IST_A.eps} % IST logo
\textsc{\Huge Course}\\[2.5cm]
\textsc{\LARGE Degree}\\[2.0cm]
{\large \bf {Title -- Report Template IST} [\texttt{EN}]}\\[0.2cm]
João Marafuz Gaspar (96240)\\
Lorem Ipsum (\texttt{ISTID} $\in \mathbb{Z}^+$)\\
Lorem Ipsum (\texttt{ISTID} $\in \mathbb{Z}^+$)
\large $\boxed{\text{\bf Group} \ \clubsuit}$\\[4.0cm]
\large \bf 2023/2024 -- \nth{2} Semester, P4
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Contents
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Body
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\lipsum[1] \cite{refs1}
\section{Problem exposition}
\lipsum[1] \cite{refs2}
\section{Solution presentation}
\subsection{How to present figures}
\subsubsection{How to present just one figure}
\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{Images/Image.eps}
\subsubsection{How to present subfigures}
\caption{Subfigure 1}
\caption{Subfigure 2}
\caption{Subfigure 3}
\subsection{How to present a table}
\caption{Orbital parameters for Constellation II}
Satellite & $a \ [\SI{}{\meter}]$ & $e$ & $T_0$ & $\varpi \ [\SI{}{\degree}]$ & $\Omega \ [\SI{}{\degree}]$ & $i \ [\SI{}{\degree}]$ \\ \hline
1 & 20427.093 & 0.1 & $t_0$ & 270 & 0 & 60 \\ \hline
2 & 20427.093 & 0.1 & $t_0 + \frac{T}{2}$ & 90 & 240 & 60 \\ \hline
3 (stat.) & 20427.093 & 0 & N/A (circular orbit) & N/A (circular orbit) & 67 & 0 \\ \hline
4 (stat.) & 20427.093 & 0 & N/A (circular orbit) & N/A (circular orbit) & 207 & 0 \\ \hline
\subsection{How to present an equation}
u(\lambda,T)=\frac{8\pi hc\lambda^{-5}}{e^{hc/\lambda kT}-1}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Conclusion
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\lipsum[1] \cite{refs1, refs2, refs3}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% References
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Appendices
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\section{First appendix}
\section{Second appendix}