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McGill Thesis Template, No logo on front page. Original template from Prof. Peter Kabal, edits by Simon Geoffroy-Gagnon with help from Farhad Shokraneh.
You may find a template with the logo here.
Simon Geoffroy-Gagnon, Farhad Shokraneh, Prof. Peter Kabal
ETD Format for Virginia Tech graduate students. Please note it isn't the official university template. This thesis format is modified based on the official format but with an easier organizing style.
This format helps me writing my Ph.D. thesis. I hope this will make your thesis writing easier. Good luck with your graduation!
This template is adapted from the previous template I wrote in 2017:
University of Nottingham Thesis and Dissertation Template
The current one includes more sample scripts in Chapter 4 Main Chapter, demonstrating the use of figures, tables, lists (for Research Questions and Hypotheses, etc.), equations, and PDF appendix in the Appendices chapter.
This one is specifically shaped for a PhD thesis submission.
Please double check with your faculty's thesis submission guideline.
Mit dieser Vorlage kannst du ganz einfach dein Schwangerschaftstagebuch am Rechner schreiben. Es ist bereits fertig formatiert; du braucht bloß noch deine Texte integrieren. Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß mit dem Schwangerschaftstagebuch!
Dokuz Eylul University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences non-official thesis template.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü resmi olmayan tez şablonu.