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% Acronimi
\newacronym{pmp}{PMP}{Project Management Plan}
\newacronym{fmrp}{FMRP}{Funding and Management of Research Projects}
\title{Project Management Plan}
\author{Vincenzo Petrone}
% Frontespizio
{\scshape \LARGE University of Salerno}\\
% Dipartimento
{\large \bf Department of Information Engineering, Electrical Engineering \\ and Applied Mathematics }\\
% Logo
% Corso di Dottorato
{\Large \bf \phd program in Information Engineering \\ Funding and Management of Research Projects }\\
% TitoloT
{\LARGE \bf \@title} \\
{\large \bf The coolest title for your \phd research plan}\\
% Lecturer
{\normalsize \bf Lecturer: \\ \prof XXX \\ \prof YYY }
% Student
{\normalsize \bf Student: \\ \@author \\ ID 0123456789}
% Date of Issue
{\normalsize \bf Date of issue: \\ \@date }
% Baseline version number
{\normalsize \bf Baseline version number: \\ 0001}
% Anno Accademico
\centering{\scshape \large{ Academic Year 2022/2023 }}
\chapter*{Change History} \label{sec:change-history}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Change History}
\chapter*{Preface} \label{sec:preface}
\noindent This document serves as template of the \acrfull{pmp} for the \phd course \acrfull{fmrp}; reference books: \cite{project_management_institute_guide_2017,schwalbe_information_2014}. Note that it is intended for the Academic Year 2022/2023; the author is not responsible for any misuse should the course's regulations change in the future.
\noindent Feel free to reuse this template for your \acrshort{pmp}, and good luck for your \acrlong{fmrp} exam!
\noindent Here are the rules: do not panic, stay hydrated, and have fun!
% Corpo del documento
\chapter{Project Overview}
\section{Research Plan} \label{sec:purpose-scope-and-objectives}
\section{Assumptions and Constraints} \label{sec:assumptions-and-constraints}
\subsection{Budget} \label{sec:budget}
\section{Activities and Deliverables} \label{sec:activities-and-deliverables}
\chapter{Project Context}
\section{Process Model} \label{sec:process-model}
\section{Process Improvement Plan} \label{sec:process-improvement-plan}
\section{Product Acceptance Plan} \label{sec:product-acceptance-plan}
\section{Infrastructure, tools and methods} \label{sec:infrastructure-tools-and-methods}
\section{Project Organization} \label{sec:project-organization}
\chapter{Project Planning} \label{cpt:project-planning}
\section{Work Activities} \label{sec:work-activities}
\section{Time Allocation} \label{sec:time-allocation}
\chapter{Project Assessment and Control} \label{cpt:project-assessment-and-control}
\section{Requirements Management Plan}
\section{Scope Change Control Plan}
\section{Schedule Control Plan}
\section{Budget Control Plan}
\section{Quality Assurance Plan}
\section{Dissemination Plan}
\subsection{Scientific dissemination}
\subsection{General-purpose dissemination}
\chapter{Supporting Process Plans}
\section{Risk Management} \label{sec:risk-management}
\subsection{Negative risks}
\subsection{Positive risks}
\section{Cost Management} \label{sec:cost-management}