Presentation Dark HCdaSilva
HC da Silva
Last Updated
3 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for mathematician whose like dark theme.
\title{My Presentation} %->->->->-> Check hyperref title <-<-<-<-<-
\subtitle{And Some Things About It}
\author[ Tal]{\textcolor{yellow}{Fulano Ciclano de Tal}}
\textcolor{white}{Institute of Mathematics}%
\textcolor{white}{Federal University of Some Place}%
} %You can change the Institution if you are from somewhere else
\date{Feb. 30, 2142}
%\logo{\includegraphics[width= 0.05\textwidth]{images/logo.png}}
\input{chapters/Blocks and colors}
\input{chapters/graphs and other tikz}
% \section*{References} %You can remove this if you do not want to use it
% \nocite{Djairo} \nocite{PhilPanof} \nocite{Fleming} \nocite{Shankar}
% \begin{frame}{References}
% \printbibliography
% \end{frame}
\textcolor{yellow}{The End}