% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
% toptesi document class
% a4paper, % not needed, by default it is a4paper, or also b5paper can be used
% corpo=12pt, % dimension of basic font
% % oneside is generally the way to go
% oneside, % two side optimizes for two-face printing, having chapters open on the right (aka odd numbers), if you don't want blank pages put oneside here
% stile=standard,
% %evenboxes, % not needed, to put supervisors and candidate at the same level
% tipotesi=magistrale,
% numerazioneromana, % roman numbering for appendixes and preambles, up to Table of Contents
% openright, % to force opening on the right for double-sided printing
% cucitura=7mm, % for printing, 7mm should be enough
%dvipsnames, % for compatibility with xcolor, it does not work
% to load the glossaries, not needed if using bib2gls
\fancyhf{} % Svuota le intestazioni esistenti
\fancyhead[C]{\itshape \leftmark} % Titolo del capitolo in corsivo
\fancyfoot[C]{\thepage} % Numero di pagina centrato in basso
% Personalizza \chaptermark per mostrare solo il titolo, senza "Chapter X"
% front page
% frontespizio can be used for the first page print
% while the custom-made frontpage can be used as hard-cover
% use pdfjoin or pdfseparate to extract or put together the pages if needed
%\frontespizio* % without star the logo is on top
\input{common/frontpage.tex} % custom frontpage
% insert text for the back of the front page
% if you insert any remove the following \paginavuota
% either a blank page or a back is needed to have double-sided printing
% pay attention to leave the space for the page
\paginavuota % clears a page
% abstract if needed
% \begin{abstract}
% \input{content/abstract.tex}
% \end{abstract}
% to create blank pages for openright in frontmatter
% use one of the following two methods
% 1) use the following three lines
%\phantom{0} % needed otherwise cleardoublepage does not clean the page because it sees it empty
%\thispagestyle{empty} % to have empty page, without numbers
% 2) or
\paginavuota % to manually create a blank page
% actually abbreviation is the name used for acronym in glossaries-extra
% title sets the name
% type tells the type of glossary to print
% style overrides the global style
% here we are printing only abbreviations
% printunsrtglossary if using record, otherwise printglossary is ok
% also list of symbols here if needed
%\part{Prima Parte} % parts division, not needed
% Chapters always open on a right-side page, i.e. odd numbers, so a blank page is inserted if needed
%\cleardoublepage % to have a fully blank page
% a blank page appears before the first chapter in some configurations, on the last version it doesn't
% \paginavuota % it works even without stile=classica
% endnotes here if needed
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc] % heading required to show it in ToC