% Title of paper
\newcommand{\papertitel}{Title (style: title; Arial 14 pt, bold, left aligned)}
% Speaker
\newcommand{\speaker}{Academic Title, first name, last name, company, country of speaker}
% Co-authors
\newcommand{\coautors}{Academic Title, first name, last name, company, country of co-author\\
Other co-authors below with the same information, each in a new line\\
(style: authors; Arial 11 pt, left-aligned)}
% Keywords
\newcommand{\keywords}{Mode-stirred chamber, Reverberation chamber, Statistical distribution, Correlation, Transmission line theory, Immunity test, Electromagnetic compatibility, Directivity, Absorber chamber, Waveguide, DUT model}
% load central settings
\section{Main heading 1 (style: heading 1; Arial 11 pt, bold, left aligned)}
Start here with the full paper (style: text body; Arial 11 pt, justification). Graphics, tables etc. can also be inserted here.
Insert references via the \verb|\cite{}| command.
For more information on citing sources, see the IEEE Reference Guide~\cite{ieee:style_manual}.
Finally, reference is made to the example table~\ref{tab:example}.
\bfseries Table column head & \bfseries Table column head \\
Table content & Table content \\
Table content & Table content \\
Table content & Table content \\
\caption{Example table (Arial 10 pt, left-aligned, justified if there is a lot of text)}
An exemplary measurement setup is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:setup}.
% Signal generator
\node[draw] (sg) {Signal generator};
% Spectrum analyzer
\node[draw,right=of sg] (sa) {Spectrum analyzer};
% Connecting arrow
\draw[->] (sg) -- (sa);
\caption{Measurement setup (Subtitle picture, Arial 10 pt, left-aligned, justified if there is a lot of text)}
An exemplary measurement result is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:result}.
xlabel={Time, $t$ in \si{\second}},
ylabel={Voltage, $u(t)$ in \si{\volt}},
\addlegendentry{Measured values}
\caption{Measurement result (Subtitle picture, Arial 10 pt, left-aligned, justified if there is a lot of text)}
%An example tabular listing is shown in table~\ref{tab:example_table}.
%Lorem & Ipsum & Dolor & Sit & Amet \\
%consectetuer & sed diam & sed diam & sed diam & sed diam \\
%adipiscing & sed diam & sed diam & sed diam & sed diam \\
%elit & sed diam & sed diam & sed diam & sed diam \\
%\caption{Example table (Arial 10 pt, left-aligned, justified if there is a lot of text)}
Examples of headings are shown below. Good luck with your writing project!
\subsection{Subtitle 1 (style: heading 2; Arial 11 pt, bold, left aligned)}
Here you can insert intermediate topics (style: text body; Arial 11 pt, justification).
\subsubsection{Subtitle 2 (style: heading 3; Arial 11 pt, left-aligned)}
%Here you can insert further subthemes (Arial 11 pt, justified).
\paragraph{Subtitle 4 (style: heading 3; Arial 11 pt, left-aligned)}
Text for the next sub-item (style: text body; Arial 11 pt, justification).
\section{Notes on the format templates for the captions}
Captions of the figures should be labeled as shown below:
\caption{Caption (style: caption; Arial 10 pt, left-justified, with a lot of text justified)}
Tables should be labeled as shown below:
\caption{Table caption (style: caption; Arial 10 pt, left-justified, with a lot of text justified)}
% list of references using BibTeX
%\bibliographystyle{plaindin} % German DIN style
%\bibliographystyle{ieeetran} % IEEE style
% List of references using biblatex