% !TeX root = cert.tex
%%%% Skeleton file for generating a populated Certificate of Panel Approval
%%%% using the custom LaTeX class IliTech-CerPanApp (version 0.2.0).
%%%% This document is intended for use only in Mindanao State University -
%%%% Iligan Institute of Technology (aka, IliTech).
%%%% IliTech-CerPanApp
%%%% Copyright (C) 2022 - present, Christian Cahig
%%%% https://github.com/christian-cahig/IliTech-CerPanApp
%%%% This file is part of a repository under the CC-BY-4.0 license.
%%%% See `LICENSE` file in the source directory.
\documentclass[coet, dissertation]{template/cerpanapp}
% =============================================================================
% Class options
% college
% Choose one of 'cass', 'ccs', 'ceba', 'ced', 'csm', 'coet', and 'con'.
% Choosing 'coet' will use 'Graduate School of Engineering' in the header;
% all other options will use 'School of Graduate Studies'.
% type
% Choose one of 'dissertation', 'project', and 'thesis'.
% =============================================================================
% Full (properly capitalized) title of the work
\WorkTitle{Data-Driven and Online Estimation of Power System Parameters with Conformal Coverage Guarantees}
% =============================================================================
% Full name of the author
\WorkAuthor{Author McArthur}
% =============================================================================
% Spelled-out title of the degree
\Degree{Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering}
% =============================================================================
% Full name of the advisor
\WorkAdvisor{Juan dela Cruz, Ph.D.}
% =============================================================================
% Full name of the co-advisor
% Per MSU-IIT custom, at most one co-advisor is allowed for a study.
% If a co-advisor does not apply, you may simply supply an empty value, i.e.,
% \WorkCoAdvisor{}.
\WorkCoAdvisor{John dela Cruz, Ph.D.}
% =============================================================================
% Full names of the non-advising members of the oral examination panel (OEP)
% Per MSU-IIT mandate, there are at least two non-advising members of the OEP.
% The LaTeX class supports up to four non-advising members of the OEP.
% If the third and/or fourth member are not applicable, you may simply supply
% empty values, i.e., \OralExamPanelistC{} and/or \OralExamPanelistD{}.
% The combination
% \OralExamPanelistC{}
% \OralExamPanelistD{John Doe, Ph.D.}
% will have the same effect as
% \OralExamPanelistC{John Doe, Ph.D.}
% \OralExamPanelistD{}
\OralExamPanelistA{Valery Manokhin, PhD, MBA}
\OralExamPanelistB{Thomas G. Habetler, PhD}
\OralExamPanelistC{Samuel Stanton, PhD}
\OralExamPanelistD{Pascal Van Hentenryck, MSEE}
% =============================================================================
% Full names of the department- and college-level signatories
% If not supplied,
\DeptChairperson{Rennie E. Miculob, DEng, MBA}
\DeptGradCoordinator{Carl John O. Salaan, PhD}
\CollegeGradCoordinator{Vannie Joy T. Resabal, PhD}
\CollegeDean{Maria Sheila K. Ramos, PhD}
% =============================================================================
% Document proper