LTU Beamer Template
Malte Kerl
Last Updated
bir ay önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This beamer template can be used for presentations at LTU.
\addbibresource{references.bib} % Specify the bibliography file
\title{LTU Beamer Template}
\author{Malte Kerl}
This is text outside of an enumeration
\item language (Changes logo and footline)
\item english (default)
\item swedish
\begin{frame}{Liwicki-Mode}{Highlighting one point at a time}
\liwicki[1]{With \textbackslash liwicki[number]\{content\} different parts of the slide are highlighted subsequently}\\
\liwicki[2]{The slide is also displayed times the highest Liwicki number}\\
\liwicki[4]{Don't leave Liwicki Numbers out}
\begin{frame}{frame with citations and figures}
According to \citeauthor{smith2020}, significant advancements have been made in this field \cite{smith2020}.
For a comprehensive overview, refer to the book by \cite{doe2019}.
\caption{LTU Logo (demo graphic)}