\usepackage[top=0.75in, bottom=0.75in, left=0.55in, right=0.85in]{geometry}
\newcommand{\isep}{-2 pt}
%Custom commands
\newcommand{\resitem}[1]{\item #1 \vspace{-2pt}}
\newcommand{\resheading}[1]{{\small \colorbox{mygrey}{\begin{minipage}{0.975\textwidth}{\textbf{#1 \vphantom{p\^{E}}}}\end{minipage}}}}
\begin{tabular*}{6.62in}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r}
\textsc{{\textbf{#1}}} & \textsc{\textit{[#2]}} \\
\textbf{John Doe} \\
\indent Great county, \\
\indent Main Road, \\
\indent Bombay (M.P., INDIA) - 476514\\
\indent Email-id : \textbf{someone@email.com} \\
\indent Mobile No.: \textbf{1234567890} \\
\indent Alt Mob No.: \textbf{1234567890} \\
\resheading{\textbf{ACADEMIC DETAILS} }\\[\lsep]
\\ \\
\indent \begin{tabular}{ l @{\hskip 0.15in} l @{\hskip 0.15in} l @{\hskip 0.15in} l @{\hskip 0.15in} l }
\textbf{Examination} & \textbf{University} & \textbf{Institute} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{CPI/\%} \\
Post Graduate Specialization:\,\, & \textit{Computer Science and Engineering} \\
Post Graduation & IIT Bombay & IIT Bombay & 2014 & 8.0 \\
UnderGraduate Specialization: & \textit{Computer Engineering} \\
Graduation & DAVV, Indore & IET-DAVV, Indore & 2012 & 76.5\\
\\ \\
\resheading{\textbf{FIELDS OF INTEREST} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent Wireless Network and Network Security, Another one, a third one
\resheading{\textbf{TECHNICAL SKILLS} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent \textbf{Languages} (C, C++, Java),\textbf{Database} (MySQL) \textbf{Script} (Python, Shell, Perl, R), \textbf{Tools} (Eclipse, \LaTeX, Gnuplot, Rstudio).
\resheading{\textbf{MAJOR PROJECTS AND SEMINAR} }\\[\lsep]
\item \textbf{Media Access Control Controling
} (Research Project) \\
\emph{(Guide:Prof. Hubert F.
, May'13 - till date)} \\[-0.6cm]
\begin{itemize}\itemsep \isep
\item Objective :Performance analysis of HTTP web browsing traffic.
\item Performance analysis will help in comparing different MAC protocols based on different network sce-
\item Studied various papers related to different MAC protocols and now working on improving simulations.
\item \textbf{Second Item.
} (M. Tech. Seminar) \\
\emph{(Guide: Prof. John Doe
, Jan'14 - Aug'14)} \\[-0.6cm]
\begin{itemize}\itemsep \isep
\item First subitem.
\item Second subitem.
\resheading{\textbf{STRENGTHS} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent Positive Attitude, Social Interaction, Hardworking.
\resheading{\textbf{INTEREST AND HOBBIES} }\\[\lsep]
\item \noindent Solving Puzzles.
\item \noindent Playing Chess.