IDEA Lab LATEX Template
Johanna Müller
Last Updated
bir yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for any Seminar/Thesis at IDEA Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
% This template is MIT licensed.
% Basic file to demonstrate the usage of this LaTeX template.
% You can build your own paper/thesis on top of this file.
% Simply adjust the document class and all metadata and start working.
language=english, % set to english or german
type=master, % set to bachelor, master or seminar
% Graphics rendering using TikZ
% See:
% Include required TikZ libraries here, some exemplary libraries are pre-included
%Add your library here
% Import acronyms
% Import symbols
% Import custom commands
% Document meta information
author-name={AUTHOR}, % Separate multiple authors with commas
author-email={FAU MAIL ADDRESS},
author-matriculation={MATRICULATION NUMBER},
author-phone={+49 XXXXXXXXX}, % Use international numbers format
principal-supervisor={Prof. Dr. PROFESSOR}, % This must be a professor
associate-supervisor={SUPERVISOR}, % This is your main supervisor, i.e., a post doc or doctoral student
tutor-supervisor={}, % If required, define an additional supervisor resp. tutor here
group-institute={Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE)},
group={Image Data Exploration and Analysis (IDEA) Lab},
% studies={M.Sc. International Information Systems}, %your field of studies, i.e. Wirtschaftsinformatik or International Information Systems
%associate-group={}, % When the thesis is done in cooperation with another chair, add it here
%associate-group-institute={}, % add cooperating institute or university here
seminar={SEMINAR}, % The title of your seminar
submission-date={2022-01-01} % The date you handed in your document: Format yyyy-mm-dd
%primary-logo={}, % Uses the FAU logo by default
%primary-logo-height={}, % Uses 16mm as default height
%secondary-logo={}, % Logo of the secondary institution (cooperating chair/university), USES Faculty logo by default
%secondary-logo-height={} % Uses 16mm as default height
% Title page
% Quote
% You can put an optional quote page in front of your content
% \quotepage[author={Arthur C. Clarke}]{
% Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
% }
% Add your abstract here:
% Table of contents
% List of figures (if you have figures)
% List of tables (if you have tables)
% List of listings (if you have listings)
% List of abbreviations (if you use acronyms)
% List of symbols (if you use symbols)
% Abstract
% Comment out this part, if you don't require an abstract
% storing the last pagenumber
% Content
% Add your content files:
% References
% Appendix
% In the appendices, use \section{} instead of \chapter{}
% Declaration of authorship
% \authorshipstatement[pagenumbering=false]
% \authorshipstatement[pagenumbering=only]
% Consent form for use of plagiarism detection software
% Not yet required
% \consentform[pagenumbering=false]
% \consentform[pagenumbering=true]
% \consentform[pagenumbering=only]
% Bonus: Wordcount
% clear
% texcount -total -q -col -sum *.tex