%This is a LaTeX template for homework assignments
\section*{Assignment Title}
Name: \line(1,0){120} %you can change the length of the lines by changing the number in the curly brackets
\\Date: \line(1,0){120}
\subsection*{Instructions} %Enter instruction text here
Answer {\bf all} the questions and return to the teacher by the end of the week. Section A questions shouldn't cause you any trouble. Section B is designed to be more challenging.
\subsection*{Section A}
\begin{enumerate}%starts the numbering
\item Define the term 'minimal polynomial'.
\item Evaluate the following integral
\int_{2}^{x} \sinh{2y}\, \mathrm{d}y
in the case where:
\item $x = 5$
\item $x = 9$
\item Find the determinant of the following 3x3 matrix:
\begin{figure}[h!]%This example matrix has been enclosed in a figure to give us more positioning options
1 & 6 & 4 \\
3 & 1 & 7 \\
9 & 4 & 5
\end{enumerate}%ends the numbering
\subsection*{Section B}
\item Determine the following limit:
\lim_{x \to +\infty} \frac{\sin{x}}{x^2}
\item Prove Pythagoras' Theorem.
\item Describe the Gram-Schmidt Algorithm.