FAU WIN Template Thesis LaTeX
Sebastian Dunzer
Last Updated
5 ay önce
Other (as stated in the work)
The LaTeX Template for students at the FAU writing their thesis with the Chair of Digital Industrial Service Systems
The LaTeX Template for students at the FAU writing their thesis with the Chair of Digital Industrial Service Systems
% This template is MIT licensed.
% Basic file to demonstrate the usage of this LaTeX template.
% You can build your own paper/thesis on top of this file.
% Simply adjust the document class and all metadata and start working.
language=english, % set to english or german
type=bachelor, % set to bachelor, master or seminar
% Graphics rendering using TikZ
% See: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/PGF/TikZ
% Include required TikZ libraries here, some exemplary libraries are pre-included
%Add your library here
% Import acronyms
% Import symbols
% Import custom commands
% Document meta information
title={Digital Industrial Service Systems template},
sub-title={A styleguide for writing a thesis},
author-name={Firstname Lastname}, % Separate multiple authors with commas
author-phone={+99 999999999}, % Use international numbers format
author-matriculation={matriculation number},
author-address={First Street 999},
principal-supervisor={Prof. Dr. Ma Muster}, % This must be a professor
associate-supervisor={Firstname Lastname}, % This is your main supervisor, i.e., a post doc or doctoral student
tutor-supervisor={}, % If required, define an additional supervisor resp. tutor here
group={Chair of Digital Industrial Information Systems},
group-institute={School of Business, Economics and Society},
% studies={M.Sc. International Information Systems}, %your field of studies, i.e. Wirtschaftsinformatik or International Information Systems
%associate-group={}, % When the thesis is done in cooperation with another chair, add it here
%associate-group-institute={}, % add cooperating institute or university here
seminar={Scientific Writing for Beginners}, % The title of your seminar
submission-date={2022-01-01} % The date you handed in your document: Format yyyy-mm-dd
%primary-logo={}, % Uses the FAU logo by default
%primary-logo-height={}, % Uses 16mm as default height
%secondary-logo={}, % Logo of the secondary institution (cooperating chair/university), USES Faculty logo by default
%secondary-logo-height={} % Uses 16mm as default height
% Title page
% Quote
% You can put an optional quote page in front of your content
% \quotepage[author={Arthur C. Clarke}]{
% Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
% }
% Add your abstract here:
% Table of contents
% List of figures (if you have figures)
% List of tables (if you have tables)
% List of listings (if you have listings)
% List of abbreviations (if you use acronyms)
% List of symbols (if you use symbols)
% Abstract
% Comment out this part, if you don't require an abstract
% storing the last pagenumber
% Content
% Add your content files:
% References
% Appendix
% In the appendices, use \section{} instead of \chapter{}
% Declaration of authorship
% \authorshipstatement[pagenumbering=false]
% \authorshipstatement[pagenumbering=only]
% Consent form for use of plagiarism detection software
% Not yet required
% \consentform[pagenumbering=false]
% \consentform[pagenumbering=true]
% \consentform[pagenumbering=only]
% Bonus: Wordcount
% clear
% texcount -total -q -col -sum *.tex