ESCAPE Template
Ewerton Calixto
Last Updated
9 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for submissions to European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 2016)
Template for submissions to European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 2016)
% ==============================================================================================
% 2010-11-05 Preisig, H A ; NTNU
% 2011-12-15 ditto ; adapted for PSE 11
% ; put all the heading info into the style file
% 2012-01-04 ditto ; Reference section title fixed -- integrated into style file
% ; changed sequence: first bibliography then pse style
% ; pse style redefines reference listing superseding natlib def
% ; and simplified by moving reference style loading into pse.sty
% 2014-09-04 ditto ; reverted to standard LaTeX fonts
% ; issues - measures do not correspond with manual.
% ; There is a cm missing 13.5 textwidth gives 12.5 texwidth ???
% 2015-10-14 Zinser, A ; adapted to ESCAPE 26
% ==============================================================================================
%% bibliography must be before escape styles
%% Escape/PSE styles
\usepackage{left_eq} % To get the equation left aligned, this is ugly but required :-)
\usepackage{escape26} % Stylefile from Escape
%%% >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use your own GRAPHICS configuration <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\usepackage{pstricks, pst-plot} % pstricks
\usepackage{graphicx} % enables import of various formats
\usepackage{wrapfig} % enables floating wrapped figures
%% math packages
%% >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user definitions BIBLIOGRAPHY & DEFS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
%% personal styles and definitions
% ================================================================================
\title{ESCAPE Template Title}
\author[a]{Anne Firstauthor}
\author[b]{Tim B. Secondauthor }
\author[a,b,*]{James Q. Thirdauthor}
\affil[a]{First affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, Country}
\affil[b]{Second affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, Country}
\HeaderTitle{my paper title}
\HeaderAuthor{A. Firstauthor et al.}
% ==================================== title ====================================
\maketitle % make title page with abstract and keywords
\thispagestyle{empty} % first page has a different format
% ================================================================================
\Keywords{keyword1, keyword2, keyword3}
% ==================================== body =====================================
\section{Section title}
This is a section
Equations come as normal, the included style file for the left equation notation of Elsevier is automatically included. So for example
A = B + C
or an aligned equations
\dot{x} &= A \, x + B \, u \\
y &= C \, x
But also the starred versions work:
A = B + C
or an aligned equations
\dot{x} &= A \, x + B \, u \\
y &= C \, x
The subsubsection then appears like:
This gives all numbered titles. \cite{Reference2015}
\caption{The world in a drop}
Figure \ref{Fig:drop} shows the word in a drop --
\section{Starred section commands}
The starred section commands, which do not show numbering, are not available.
\section{Much more}
% ================================ references ===================================
%% References
% ================================== end =========================================