Doctoral Plan Template PSL ETHZ
Last Updated
2 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Doctoral Plan Template for the use of Power System Laboratory PhD Candidates at ETH Zurich
% Minimal template for doctoral plans.
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % for correct logo rendering
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % for header/footer formatting
\usepackage{hyperref} % for hyper-references
\usepackage{datetime} % to update month in footer
\usepackage{array} % more flexible tables
headheight=40pt]{geometry} % geometry needs to know headheight to correctly render the footer
% desired format for footer
\monthname[\THEMONTH] \THEYEAR}
% set up header/footer
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\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % remove header rule
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% set up header
\textbf{Swiss Federal Institute of Technology}\\
\textbf{ } \\
\textbf{Dept. of Information Technology and} \\ \textbf{Electrical Engineering} \\
\textbf{Power Systems Laboratory (PSL)} \\
% set up footer
\fancyfoot[L]{Doctoral Plan}
% set up section/subsection titles
\renewcommand{\thesection}{Part \arabic{section}}
\renewcommand{\thesubsection}{\arabic{subsection} .}
% command used for simply emphasizing suggestions
\newcommand{\suggestion}[1]{{\itshape #1}}
\setlength{\headheight}{1 \baselineskip} % accomodate header
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\setlength{\parskip}{\baselineskip} % add skip between paragraphs
\section*{Doctoral Plan}
\subsection*{Basic Information}
% replace rules with actual content
Doctoral Student & Jane Doe & Advisor & Jane Doe, Ph.D. \\ \cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
Student Number & XX-XXXX-XX & Second Advisor & Jane Doe, Ph.D. \\ \cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
Start of Doctorate & DD-MM-YYYYY & & \\ \cline{2-2}
%\begin{tabular}{l l}
% Name Doctoral Student & \rule{12cm}{0.15mm}\\[10pt]
% Student Number & \rule{12cm}{0.15mm}\\[10pt]
% Name Supervisor & \rule{12cm}{0.15mm}\\[10pt]
% Name Second Advisor & \rule{12cm}{0.15mm}\\[10pt]
% Start of Doctorate & \rule{12cm}{0.15mm}\\
\subsection*{Tentative Title of the Doctoral Thesis}
\fbox{\parbox{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule\relax}{\centering Tentative Title of the Doctoral Thesis}}%
% uncomment to add blank page
% \newpage\null\newpage
\section{Research Proposal}
\suggestion{(please add extra pages here; use the following structure to describe your research work)}
Present the background of your research project, list its main goals, describe the methods to be used and the expected results, as well as their impact on the field and beyond.
\subsection{Introduction and Current State of Research in the Field}
Describe your project in the context of the current state of knowledge in your field.
Refer to the most important publications.
Describe briefly:
\item Which previous insights provided the starting point and basis for your project
\item In which areas research is needed, and why
\subsection{Goals of the Thesis}
Describe the research questions you address in your research project and the concrete objectives that you aim to achieve in the period of your doctorate.
Illustrate the expected impacts of your project: how will your proposed research add to existing knowledge in the field?
How and where might your results be used?
How do you intend to disseminate your research?
\subsection{Progress to Date}
Present the research work you have already undertaken in the relevant field, describe the results obtained so far (including publications), as well as the relevance of these preliminary undertakings for your project.
Also, describe your “negative results”: what could you learn from this if something went wrong?
\subsection{Detailed Work Plan}
Describe the studies or experiments envisaged to reach the set goals.
Present your work plan in the form of work packages (WP), each defining the task and describing the methods used and the expected outcome.
In general, a work package should describe 3 - 12 months of work.
Assess the risks involved for each work package: if the work package does not work, do you have various options, which other parts of your plan are affected, what is the backup?
\item [WP 1:] \dots
\item [WP 2:] \dots
\subsection{Publication Plan}
For each work package, list the tentative publication in a specific conference or journal.
\subsection{Time Schedule (potentially as a visualization)}
Indicate the tentative timeframe for each work package.
Your time schedule should be based on the average time of 4 years of doctorate.
List the sources of all work referred to in the research proposal.
Give the full reference, especially the title, source, and full author list (use a style commonly adopted in your research field).
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References}
% \bibliographystyle{ieeetr}
% \bibliography{references}
\section{Teaching Responsibilities}
Describe which teaching tasks you are assigned to and indicate (roughly) how many hours you devote to such activities each week.
Teaching tasks are, e.g., assisting in lectures, practical classes, exercise classes, correcting students’ reports, supervising undergraduates in semester projects, summers schools, marking/overseeing exams.
\section{Further Tasks}
If relevant, describe which additional tasks you are assigned to (e.g., operation or maintenance of equipment).
Indicate (roughly) how many hours you devote to such activities each week.
%\section{Extended Dpctoral Studies}
%Please add your individual study plan here, including a tentative schedule (e.g., using the learning agreement in mystudies).
& & & \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Date} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Signature Doctoral Student} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Signature Supervisor} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Signature Second Advisor}