Colaps Master Thesis Template, UDE
Irene-Angelica Chounta
Last Updated
2 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for COLAPS Master Thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, oneside]{book}
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=ieee]{biblatex}
\addbibresource{references.bib} %Imports bibliography file
%Includes "References" in the table of contents
\graphicspath{ {./images/} }
\usepackage{color, colortbl}
\def\whatIsIt{Master Thesis}
\def\title{Title Here}
\def\fakultaet{Faculty of Engineering}
\def\author{Author Name}
%\def\addrLineEins{Thesis Time Period}
\def\addrLineZwei{Study Program}
%\def\semester{Insert Semester and Academic Year}
\def\date{Submitted: insert date}
\def\betreuer{Prof. Dr. Irene-Angelica Chounta}
\def\ersterGutachter{Prof. Dr. Name}
\def\dept{Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science}
\def\researchgroup{Computational Methods in Modeling and Analysis of Learning Processes (colaps)}
% This is an example of the thesis outline. Please adapt this template to fit your needs.
%Figures, tables and references
% \bibliography{references}