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\name{Jianhong Fang}
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\info{手机:(+86) 1234567890}{邮箱:test@test.test}{}{}
\info{mobile: (+86) 1234567890}{email: test@test.test}{}{}
\info{Gender: Male}{Hometown: South China}{}{}
\info{Origin: Fortress Besieged}{}{}{}
\datedsubsection{\textbf{克莱登大学},克莱登实验班,\textit{博士}}{1910.09 - 1930.06}
\datedsubsection{\textbf{Clayden University}, Clayden Experimental Class, \textit{PhD}}{1910.09 - 1930.06}
\begin{itemize} [parsep=1ex]
\item \textbf{证书来源}:购买自爱尔兰商人
\begin{itemize} [parsep=1ex]
\item \textbf{Certificate source}: purchased from an Irish businessman
\datedsubsection{\textbf{北平某大学},实验班,\textit{本科}}{1922.09 - 1926.06}
\begin{itemize} [parsep=1ex]
\item \textbf{土木工程系}:不喜欢,转系
\item \textbf{社会学系}:不喜欢,转系
\item \textbf{中国文学系}:从此毕业
\datedsubsection{\textbf{A university in Beiping}, experimental class, \textit{Undergraduate}}{1922.09 - 1926.06}
\begin{itemize} [parsep=1ex]
\item \textbf{Department of Civil Engineering}: I don't like it, change department
\item \textbf{Department of Sociology}: I don't like it, change department
\item \textbf{Department of Chinese Literature}: graduated
\item 高中订婚的未婚妻的父亲的公司
\datedsubsection{\textbf{Cash bank}, clerk}{1930.09}
\item The company of the father of the betrothed fiancee in high school
\datedsubsection{\textbf{三闾大学},副教授}{1931.09 - 1934.6}
\item 同事:李梅亭、顾尔谦、孙柔嘉、赵辛楣
\datedsubsection{\textbf{Sanlu University}, Associate Professor}{1931.09 - 1934.6}
\item Colleagues: Li Meiting, Gu Erqian, Sun Roujia, Zhao Xinmei
\datedsubsection{\textbf{上海某报社},职员}{1934.09 -}
\item 生活不如意
\datedsubsection{\textbf{A newspaper in Shanghai}, staff}{1934.09 -}
\item Life is unsatisfactory
\item \textbf{地点}:回国船上
\datedsubsection{\textbf{Miss Bao}, one night stand}{1930.06}
\item \textbf{Location}: On board the returning ship
\datedsubsection{\textbf{苏文纨},单恋}{1930.08 - 1931.08}
\item \textbf{地点}:上海
\item 苏小姐一直钟情于方鸿渐,这也是以挑性的也错以为方鸿渐对其有意
\item 方鸿渐在月夜下情境所迫,吻了苏小姐,第二日不得不告诉苏小姐自己所爱并非她
\datedsubsection{\textbf{Su Wenwan}, unrequited love}{1930.08 - 1931.08}
\item \textbf{Location}: Shanghai
\item Ms. Su has always been in love with Fang Hongjian, which is also challenging and wrong to think that Fang Hongjian is interested in it
\item Fang Hongjian was forced to kiss Ms. Su under the moonlit night, and the next day he had to tell Ms. Su that he was not in love with her
\datedsubsection{\textbf{唐晓芙},热恋}{1930.08 - 1931.08}
\item \textbf{地点}:上海
\item 闲暇之余经常去苏小姐家探望,由此结识了苏小姐的表妹唐晓芙唐小姐
\item 由于苏小姐挑拨,唐小姐也与方鸿渐一刀两断
\datedsubsection{\textbf{Tang Xiaofu}, passionately in love}{1930.08 - 1931.08}
\item \textbf{Location}: Shanghai
\item In my spare time, I often visit Miss Su's house and get to know Miss Su's cousin Tang Xiaofu Tang
\item Due to Miss Su's provocation, Miss Tang also broke with Fang Hongjian
\datedsubsection{\textbf{孙柔嘉},妻子}{1934.08 -}
\item \textbf{订婚地点}:三闾大学
\item 方、孙二人在赵辛楣家中遇上苏文纨,神情谈吐间遭到苏小姐的讽刺
\item 二人回到上海,因工作、父母、亲戚妯娌等多方面问题又多次激发矛盾
\datedsubsection{\textbf{Sun Roujia}, wife}{1934.08 -}
\item \textbf{Engagement location}: Sanlu University
\item Fang and Sun met Su Wenwan at Zhao Xinmei's home, and they were satirized by Miss Su
\item When the two returned to Shanghai, conflicts were aroused many times due to various problems such as work, parents, relatives and wives
\item S指的是situation,事情是在什么情况下发生
\item T指的是task,你是如何明确你的目标的
\item A指的是action,针对这样的情况分析,你采用了什么行动方式
\item R指的是result,结果怎样,在这样的情况下你学习到了什么
\section{Resume writing notes}
\item S refers to the situation, under what circumstances did things happen
\item T refers to the task, how do you define your goal
\item A refers to the action, what kind of action did you take in this situation analysis
\item R refers to result, what is the result, what did you learn in this situation