% This template can serve as a starting point for your BSc thesis. You are allowed to modify it as long as you adhere to the requirements from the Thesis Manual.
\author{Your name}
\title{Your title}
% \date{An optional custom date, the default is today}
\newcommand{\program}{Name of your program}
\newcommand{\supervisor}{Name of your supervisor}
\newcommand{\secondassesor}{Name of your second assessor}
\usepackage[british]{babel} % Use British English
\usepackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace} % Increase line spacing
\usepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry} % Modify margins
\usepackage{graphicx,booktabs,apacite} % Packages for images, tables, and APA citations
% Hint: \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,hyperref} imports some frequently used packages
\textsc{Erasmus University Rotterdam}
\par \textsc{Erasmus School of Economics}
\par Bachelor Thesis \program
\vfill \hrule height .08em \bigskip
\hrule height .08em\normalsize
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=0.15\textheight,keepaspectratio]{eur} % The EUR logo, but this could also be another image
Supervisor: & \supervisor\\
Second assessor: & \secondassesor\\
Date final version: & \@date\\
The views stated in this thesis are those of the author and not necessarily those of the supervisor, second assessor, Erasmus School of Economics or Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Your abstract
% The next two paragraphs illustrate correct citations and should not be part of your thesis!
\citeA{karreman2018academic} give many examples of active citations. But passive citations are also used in practice \cite{karreman2018academic}.
The paper by \citeA{knuth1984literate} appears in the references in a different style than the conference proceeding article by \citeA{foster2003statistical}. Books also have their own style \cite[Chapter 6]{karreman2018academic}.
% The preceding two paragraphs illustrate correct citations and should not be part of your thesis!
\bibliography{MyReferencesFile} % References are stored in MyReferencesFile.bib
\section{Programming code}