Boise State University - MS thesis and PhD dissertation template
Dylan Mikesell
Last Updated
5 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a template for the Boise State University thesis and dissertation.
This is a template for the Boise State University thesis and dissertation.
% Graduate thesis BSU Format
% Kasper van Wijk (original author)
% Dylan Mikesell (current maintainer)
% if you don't want two-sided printing, erase the twoside option
% from the following line:
% custom file for BSU style by TDM, 2019:
% \usepackage{acro}
% probably a good idea for the nomenclature entries:
% \acsetup{first-style=short}
\InputIfFileExists{#1}{}{\typeout{No file #1.}}%
} % this command keep latexmk from erroring when \input is missing
% For abbreviations
% For symbols and nomenclature
\input{nomenclature} % input the name of nomenclature/symbol file
% bunch of fields to enter:
\author{T. Dylan Mikesell}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
% \degreetype{Doctor of Philosophy}
\title{Template for a BSU Graduate Thesis} % use correct capitalization
\advisor{Dylan Mikesell}{Ph.D.}
\committeeMemberA{Jeffrey B. Johnson}{Ph.D.}
\committeeMemberB{Karen Viskupic}{Ph.D.}
\dean{Tammi Vacha-Haase}{Dean of the Graduate College}
% insert month and year of your thesis, only:
\oralexamdate{25 October 2017}
% optional external member:
% \extmember{Dr. Jane Doe}{Doctor of Experimental Philosophy}{University of Chicago}
\input dedication
\input acknowledgment
\input autobiographics
\input abstract
% \cleardoublepage
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of tables}
% print abbreviations
\printglossary[title={List of abbreviations},type=\acronymtype]
% print symbols
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of symbols} % Change TOC name from Nomenclature to List of symbols
\markboth{\nomname}{\nomname}% maybe with \MakeUppercase
% start of main text (reset pagenumbers, etc.):
\input chapter_1_introduction
\input chapter_2
% bibliography:
% \cleardoublepage
\input appendix