%--IPFW ECE405 Template--%
%******Cover Page*******%
%Step 1: Add your names and emails
%Step 2: Add your advisors names and emails
%Step 3: Add your title
%Step 1
%--Authors Names and Emails--%
\author{Author 1\formatemail{Email 1} Author 2\formatemail{Email 2} Author 3\formatemail{Email 3}}
%Step 2
%--Advisors Names and Emails--%
\advisor{Advisor 1\formatemail{Email 1} Advisor 2\formatemail{Email 2}}
%Step 3
%--Title of project--%
\title{CMPEN 480/ EE 400:Senior Design Report}
\courseadvisor { Dr. Abdallah S. Abdallah \\
Assistant Professor of Electrical \& Computer Engineering}
%Use the acronyms.tex file to keep track of your acronyms. A list will be automatically generated in the appendix. See the Acknowledgements section for an example.
%-----Beginning of Document----%
\maketitle %Makes the cover page
%---Revision Tracker---%
\AddRevision{Number}{Date}{Add explanation}
%-----Table of Contents-----%
\printglossary[title=List of Acronyms ,type=\acronymtype]
%--end:Table of Contents--%
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Acknowledgments}%adds acknowledgements section to the table of contents
Here is a sample for how to use acronyms. "Defining a \gls{fr} and a \gls{ps} provides a language for system design. This language is an important aspect of \gls{csd}."
%%%%%% Conceptual Design %%%%%%
%% Report (1) only includes Problem Statements, so all other sections are commented except references Section
%%%%%% Evaluation of Design Alternatives %%%%%%
%%%%%% Detailed Design %%%%%%
%%%%%% Cost %%%%%%
%%%%%% %%%%%% Test Development and Execution %%%%%% %%%%%%
%%%%%% Project Timeline %%%%%%
%%%%%% Conclusions %%%%%%
%adds reference section to the table of contents
%Please refer to the OverLeaf Primer to see your options for how to keep track of references.
Use the OverLeaf Primer to understand the different ways to format the references.
%Formats the bibliography to meet the IEEE standards
%This command calls a file named "your_references.bib". You will upload this file, and can rename as necessary.