\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[anchor=north west, inner sep=0pt] at (current page.north west){\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{head.png}};
{\Large\textbf{TITLE}} \\ \vspace{0.5cm}
{\large corresponding author$^1$, second author$^2$, third author$^2$} \\
{\small $^1$First Affiliation\\
$^2$ Second Affiliation} \\
%Abstract content
Posters will be selected upon submission of an abstract. The document should contain the Title, Authors and Affiliations, the Abstract itself and main References. It should contain up to 2 pages including the references. Only PDF documents will be accepted.
At least one author should register to the event before submission.
Abstracts presented in person during poster sessions at the symposium will be published in the conference proceedings (via Even3).
We are inviting all speakers to submit their abstracts as well to be published in the event proceedings.
The abstract can contain figures, as shown in Figure \ref{fig:hallmarks_of_aging}.
\caption{Hallmarks of Aging \cite{LOPEZOTIN2023243}.}
\noindent{}Please visit the conference website for submission guidelines: