amim2024 Abstract Template
Last Updated
6 ay önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for the submission of contributed talks and posters for the 2024 edition of the autumn meeting of industrial mathematics
% This is the template for submission of abstracts to amim'2024 in Foz do Arelho, Portugal.
% It is modified from NetSci2024, which was inspired by that of NetSci2017, NetSci2016 and STATPHSY25.
% The editor of the booklet reserves the right to modify your submission.
% To process this file run LaTeX2e
% ******** DO NOT EDIT ****************
% \usepackage{mathptmx}
\definecolor{amimred}{rgb}{1, .34, .34}
\renewcommand{\author}[2]{{\noindent #1 \medskip\\ \noindent \small #2 \medskip\\}}
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% ********** USER DEFINED *************
% Enter title here
\title{Tour title here}
% Enter author(s) here
A. Author,\textsuperscript{1,a}
B. Another Author,\textsuperscript{2,b}
C. Yet Another,\textsuperscript{3,b,c}
D. Last Author\textsuperscript{4,b}
% Enter email address here
1. \texttt{email.1@xxxx.yy}\\
2. \texttt{email.2@xxxx.yy}\\
3. \texttt{email.3@xxxx.yy}\\
4. \texttt{email.4@xxxx.yy}\\
% Enter affiliation(s) here
a. Institute A, City, Country\\
b. Institute B, City, Country\\
c. Institute C, City, Country
% Enter abstract here. Please keep everything within ONE PAGE.
It is an honor and a pleasure to invite the Industrial Mathematics community to \textcolor{amimred}{amim'2024}, the first edition of the \textcolor{amimred}{autumn meeting of industrial mathematics} in Foz do Arelho on October 4th and 5th, 2024.
The goal of this meeting is the sharing of knowledge and experience in the field of Mathematics in Industry, focusing on the application of mathematics to solve complex real-world problems across various domains with economic, social, biological, and technological value.
Participants are welcome to submit a proposal for a 20-minute communication or for a poster presentation, uploading, in either case, this template when registering for the meeting. If you experience any difficulty, you may also e-mail your proposal to \texttt{}.
\textcolor{amimred}{amim'2024} will take place in Foz do Arelho, a picturesque coastal village nestled along the stunning Silver Coast of Portugal and renowned for its natural beauty and tranquil ambiance, where the meeting of the Atlantic Ocean and the Lagoa de Óbidos creates a breathtaking landscape. All sessions of the meeting will take place at the INATEL of Foz do Arelho Hotel, located on the seafront.
The scientific and organizing committees are working to prepare an enriching opportunity to every participant and thus add even more momentum to such an already so dynamic topic.
We look forward to welcoming you at \textcolor{amimred}{amim'2024} in the charmimg Foz do Arelho!
\noindent[1] You may add a reference.\\
\noindent[2] You may add a reference.\\
\noindent[3] You may add a reference.
\caption{In case you want to include a figure.}
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