Textbausteine aus der Broschüre "Patientenverfügung"
Herausgeber: Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz
berücksichtigt die Vorgaben des BGH-Beschlusses (XII ZB 61/16) vom 06.07.2016
Textbausteine zur Broschüre "Patientenverfügung" im Word-Format (abgerufen am 04.10.2016)
Esta ilustración representa el símbolo que se halla en la franja central de la bandera de India, denominado Ashoka Chakra que es una representación del 'dharmachakra' ('la rueda de la religión', en idioma sánscrito), la cual consta de 24 radios que representan una hora del día. La rueda representa la prevalencia de la justicia durante las 24 horas del día.
Los detalles técnicos de la Ashoka Chakra aparecen en la norma india IS-1 de 1968, refrendada en el año 2003. El archivo se halla en la página https://law.resource.org/pub/in/bis/S12/is.1.1968.pdf (pp. 13-14)
This example demonstrates how to write polyphonic or instrumental music on Overleaf, using M-Tx (.mtx) syntax.
This was made possible with a custom latexmkrc file. The music piece examples here were taken from the M-Tx documentation.
An event poster with a simple layout, courtesy of beamer. Try scanning the QR codes with a scanner app (e.g. "Scan" on iOS; "QR Droid" on Android and see what happens!
Ce document regroupe les codes TIKZ des figures utilisées pour le cours "Interaction électrostatique" situé à la page http://femto-physique.fr/electromagnetisme/interaction_electrostatique.php
The package provides an environment for coloured and framed text boxes with a heading line. Optionally, such a box may be split in an upper and a lower part; thus the package may be used for the setting of LaTeX examples where one part of the box displays the source code and the other part shows the output. Another common use case is the setting of theorems. The package supports saving and reuse of source code and text parts.
reledmac is a package for typesetting scholarly critical editions, replacing the established ledmac and eledmac packages. The package supports indexing by page and by line numbers, and simple tabular- and array-style environments.