NSF biosketch
Jennifer Hoffman
Last Updated
4 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
NSF-formatted biosketch, according to 2020 proposal preparation guide: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappg20_1/index.jsp
NSF-formatted biosketch, according to 2020 proposal preparation guide: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappg20_1/index.jsp
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\noindent \textbf{\uppercase{Biographical Sketch}}
\noindent \textbf{Jennifer E.\ Hoffman}
\noindent\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}l r}
Professor of Physics & Email: \href{mailto:jhoffman@physics.harvard.edu}{jhoffman@physics.harvard.edu} \\
Harvard University & Web: \href{http://hoffman.physics.harvard.edu/}{http://hoffman.physics.harvard.edu/} \\
17 Oxford Street & Phone: 617-495-3734 \\
Cambridge, MA 02138 & Fax: 617-495-0416 \\
\section{Education \& Training}
\begin{tabular}{l l l l}
Stanford University & Palo Alto, CA & Applied Physics & Postdoc Fellow, 2003-2004 \\
University of California & Berkeley, CA & Physics & Ph.D., 2003 \\
Harvard University & Cambridge, MA & Physics & B.A. \textit{magna cum laude}, 1999 \\
\section{Research \& Professional Experience}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
2019 -- present & Clowes Professor of Science, Harvard University \\
2015 -- present & Professor of Physics, Harvard University \\
2015 -- 2016 & Canada Excellence Research Chair, University of British Columbia \\
2010 -- 2015 & Associate Professor of Physics, Harvard University \\
2005 -- 2010 & Assistant Professor of Physics, Harvard University \\
\noindent \textbf{\textit{\ \ Most closely related}}
\noindent \textbf{\textit{\ \ Other significant publications}}
\section{Synergistic Activities}
\item Regular referee for NSF, DOE, DOD, Nature, Science, APS \& AIP journals, etc.
\item Research Science Institute mentor, 2010-2011, 2014, 2017-2020 \\
(Mentored high school students through summer research projects and written \& oral presentations for several science fair competitions; 2017 student won \$25,000 college scholarship for his work; 2018 student won \$4,000 college scholarship for her work.)
\item Mentor women graduate students:
\item Monthly meetings with 3 mentees through HGWISE.
\item May 2019, organized a 3-day professional development retreat focused on writing, negotiation and leadership skills for women graduate students \& postdocs in Physics and Astronomy at Harvard.
\item October 2019, sponsored a 3-day ``Grad School Application 101'' workshop for undergraduate women of color.
\item Dedicated teacher and mentor, evidenced by numerous awards:
\item Spark Award, ``for inspiring the next generation of women in science'', Harvard, 2009
\item Fannie Cox Award, given annually to two faculty members in recognition of
``outstanding teaching in introductory science courses.'' Harvard, 2012 (\href{https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2012/10/two-professors-win-fannie-cox-prize/}{link})
\item Roslyn Abramson Award, given annually to two faculty members in recognition of
``excellence and sensitivity in teaching undergraduates.'' Harvard, 2012 (\href{https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2012/05/hoffman-beerbohm-win-teaching-prize/}{link})
\item Harvard Graduate Women in Science \& Engineering (HGWISE), Mentor of the Year Award, 2018 (\href{https://gsas.harvard.edu/news/stories/lean-lean-hgwise-mentor-year-award}{link})
\item Advocacy for women \& URMs in science:
\item Heising Simons Foundation, Physics and Astronomy Leadership Council, 2016 - present
\item Chair of Harvard Physics Department Mentorship Committee, 2020
\item Chair of Harvard Physics Department Equity \& Inclusion Committee, 2018 – 2019
\item Chair of Harvard Physics Department Graduate Admissions Committee, 2017 - 2019