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Ce document regroupe les codes TIKZ des figures utilisées pour le cours "Le gaz parfait" situé à la page http://femto-physique.fr/physique_statistique/phystat_C3.php
Ce document regroupe les codes TIKZ des figures utilisées pour le cours "Notions de probabilités" situé à la page http://femto-physique.fr/physique_statistique/phystat_complement1.php
This paper involves researching about the possibility of intelligent life on another planet.Using the Drake equation which will help us understand how life can exist on another planets.we will also conduct a questionarie where we ask 30 people about their opinion if their is life beyond Earth. We will use SETILive, a website that provides radio images of the universe to try and find signals that will help us with our hypothesis.The hypothesis states that we do beleive there is intelligent life beyond this universe. We will also look at articles that have tried to do research on life on another planet that will help us with our research..
Beamer Presentation
LaTeX Template
Version 1.0 (10/11/12)
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Since the conception of the Quantum Computer (QC), their potential for greater magnitudes in speed of processing calculations has been realised by the vast majority of interested parties. This has led to a recent push in research and development in creating a stable QC which can perform quantum algorithms. To aid the creation of a stable and highly available quantum computer, simulators have been developed as a tool to as the thought processes. This report discusses details of a project that aims to investigate around the subject area, and produce an application to allow users to simulate quantum algorithms on a QC.
Ce document regroupe les codes TIKZ des figures utilisées pour le cours "DYNAMIQUE DES FUIDES PARFAITS" situé à la page http://femto-physique.fr/mecanique_des_fluides/mecaflu_C2.php
This template has been created for authors submitting Software Tool Articles to F1000Research. It is designed for easy editing online with Overleaf, and users can submit their paper directly to F1000Research from the Overleaf editor.
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For more information about submitting Software Tool Articles to F1000Research, please see their article guidelines. F1000Research advocates an Open Data policy. All articles should include citations to repositories that host the data underlying the results, together with details of any software used. When presenting new software tools all source code must be made openly available and archived in an online repository. For detailed guidelines on where the data/software can be deposited, and how they should be presented, see our data guidelines.
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