Shubhika Bhardwaj's CV
Shubhika Bhardwaj
Last Updated
6 yıl önce
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
CV for professional purposes
Created with the Modern CV template
CV for professional purposes
Created with the Modern CV template
% "ModernCV" CV and Cover Letter
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.11 (19/6/14)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Xavier Danaux (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
% Important note:
% This template requires the moderncv.cls and .sty files to be in the same
% directory as this .tex file. These files provide the resume style and themes
% used for structuring the document.
\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,sans]{moderncv} % Font sizes: 10, 11, or 12; paper sizes: a4paper, letterpaper, a5paper, legalpaper, executivepaper or landscape; font families: sans or roman
\moderncvstyle{classic} % CV theme - options include: 'casual' (default), 'classic', 'oldstyle' and 'banking'
\moderncvcolor{purple} % CV color - options include: 'blue' (default), 'orange', 'green', 'red', 'purple', 'grey' and 'black'
\usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inserting dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template
\usepackage[scale=0.8]{geometry} % Reduce document margins
%\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{3cm} % Uncomment to change the width of the dates column
\setlength{\makecvtitlenamewidth}{10cm} % For the 'classic' style, uncomment to adjust the width of the space allocated to your name
\firstname{ShubhikaBhardwaj} % Your first name
%\familyname{Bhardwaj} % Your last name
% All information in this block is optional, comment out any lines you don't need
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
%\address{Address}{City, State Zip}
\mobile{(+91) 9870503321}
%\homepage{} {LinkedIn} % The first argument is the url for the clickable link, the second argument is the url displayed in the template - this allows special characters to be displayed such as the tilde in this example
%\extrainfo{DOB: September 15, 1997}
%\photo[70pt][0.4pt]{pictures/House} % The first bracket is the picture height, the second is the thickness of the frame around the picture (0pt for no frame)
%\quote{"A witty and playful quotation" - John Smith}
\makecvtitle % Print the CV title
\cventry{2017--2021}{B Tech}{}{}{\textit{Department of Computer Science, \link[Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women]{},Delhi, India Percentage 89.5/100}}{}
\cventry{2017}{Intermediate}{}{}{\textit{\link[Venkateshwar International School]{}, New Delhi, India 95.2\%}}{}
\cventry{2015}{Matriculation}{}{}{\textit{\link[Venkateshwar International School]{}, New Delhi, India CGPA 10.0}}{}
% \renewcommand{\listitemsymbol}{-~} % Changes the symbol used for lists
% \cvlistdoubleitem{Piano}{}
% \cvlistitem{Baseball}
% Achievements SECTION
\section{Scholastic and Curricular Achievements}
\cvitem{Present}{Currently working in the Sponsorship team of \textbf{TEDx IGDTU} one of the 36 team members in the university}
\cvitem{Present} {Pursuing \textbf{Microsoft Authorized Certification } course in \textbf{Cross Platform Mobile App Development}}
\cvitem{2017-18}{Headed the Enactus IGDTU as the\textbf{Project Leader}of Dharini project impacting the lives of \textbfup{1,500 underprivileged women}directly and indirectly}
\cvitem{2017-18}{Fecilitated as the top 20 teams in \textbf{Enactus National Competition} for exceptional entrepreneurial action and social impact in field of \textbf{Menstrual Hygiene} and upliftment of \textbf{Rohingaya community} organised by KPMG India}
\cvitem{2016-2017}{Recipient of the \textbf{Director's Special Award } and headed the student council as 'Prefect' of the school}
\cvitem{2013}{ Felicitated with the prestigious \textbf{Aqua Award} for movie making on water conservation organised by the PVR CineArt and the Aqua Foundation}
\cvitem{2014}{\textbf{State Winner of French Spell Bee}, Advanced Level organised by Paris based Le Frehindi Organisation}
%\cventry{April 2015 -- April 2017}{Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer}{\textsc{National Instruments}}{}{}{}
% Research SECTION
% Techincal Projects SECTION
% Course Projects SECTION
\section{Course Projects}
\cvitem{Autumn 2018}{\textbf{IGDTUW Database Management Project modelling the University : DBMS)}}
\cvitem{}{\textit{Prof. DK Tayal, Department of Computer Science}}
\cvitem{March 2017}{\textbf{Toy Store: Computer Science}}
\cvitem{}{\textit{Ms.Meenu Kumar, Computer Science}}
\cvitem{August 2017}{\textbf{Internet Banking App:Prototype}}
\cvitem{}{\textit{Developed for Esya,IIITD}}
% Institute Positions SECTION
\section{Institute Positions}
\cvitem{September 2018-Present}{\textit{\textbf{Head Coordinator, Media Team| \link[Innerve]{}, IGDTUW}}}
\cvitem{}{\textit{Technical Festival}}
\cvitem{December 2018-Present } {\textit{\textbf{Head Coordinator,Event Management Team|\link[Taarangana]{}, IGDTUW
\cvitem{September 2017}{\textit{\textbf{Coordinator, Media Team| \link[Innerve]{}, IGDTUW}}}
\cvitem{}{\textit{Technical Festival}}
\cvitem{February 2018} {\textit{\textbf{Coordinator,Creative Team | \link[Taarangana]{}, IGDTUW
% Skills SECTION
\section{Technical Skills}
\cvitem{Programming}{\textsc{Python, Java, C++, C, SQL, HTML}}
\cvitem{Software}{\textsc{\LATEX, Protopie, Atom, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, Javasciprt}}
\cvitem{Web Development}{\textsc{FrontEnd- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jquery,BackEnd- Command Line, Python, Django}}
\cvitem{Editing}{\textsc{Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop,Filmora Adobe Lightroom}}
% Coursework SECTION
%\renewcommand{\listitemsymbol}{-~} % Changes the symbol used for lists
\cvitem{Core Courses}{Discrete Mathematics, Database Management Systems, Data Structure, Object Oriented Programming, Analog and Digital Electronics, Advance Engineering Mathematics*, Computer Organization and Architecture*, Analysis and of Algorithms Operating System*,Object Oriented Software Engineering*}
\cvitem{Lab Courses}{Database Management Systems Lab, Data Structure Lab, Object Oriented Programming using C++ and JAVA Lab, Analog and Digital Electronics Lab, Computer Organization and Architecture Lab*, Analysis and Design of Algorithms Lab Operating System Lab (using LINUX as Case Study)*,Object Oriented Software Engineering Lab*}
\cvitem{}{* -To be completed by Apr 2019}
%\cvlistdoubleitem{Basics of Electricity & Magnetism}{Computer Programming and Utilization}
%\cvitemwithcomment{Dutch}{Basic}{Basic words and phrases only}
% To remove the cover letter, comment out this entire block
%\recipient{HR Department}{Corporation\\123 Pleasant Lane\\12345 City, State} % Letter recipient
%\date{\today} % Letter date
%\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,} % Opening greeting
%\closing{Sincerely yours,} % Closing phrase
%\enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}} % List of enclosed documents
%\makelettertitle % Print letter title
%\lipsum[1-3] % Dummy text
%\makeletterclosing % Print letter signature