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\title[Metro Diaries] {Creating Revolution in the Urban Transportation}
\subtitle{The Metro Rail Diaries}
\author[2013]{Dr. B. Umesh Rai }
\date{$21^{st}, March \;\; 2013$}
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\section[Network]{Metro Network in India}
\subsection[Network]{Need and Present Network}
\begin{frame}[label=slide000]{Rapid Urbanisation}
\scalebox{0.6} {
\draw [step=.5cm,gray,dotted,ultra thin,color=green!10] (-5.4,-2.9) grid (12.4,7.9);
\draw[line width=2pt] (-4,0) -- (10,0);
\draw[line width=2pt, color=blue] (-4,0) -- (-4,7) node () [midway, yshift=1cm, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] {No. of Town};
\draw[line width=2pt, color=red] (10,0) -- (10,7) node () [midway, yshift=1cm, xshift=1cm, rotate=90] {\% Population};
\node at (-2,-0.5) [rotate=0] { $ > 1 Cr$};
\node at (1,-0.5) [rotate=0] { $ 40 L - 1 Cr$};
\node at (4,-0.5) [rotate=0] { $ 10L - 40L$};
\node at (7,-0.5) [rotate=0] { $ 5L - 10L$};
\node at (2,-2) [rotate=0] {\Large Indian Urban Population};
\draw [fill,color=blue!80] (-3,0.01) rectangle (-2.5,0.3);
\node at (-2.75,0.5) {3};
\draw [fill,color=red!80] (-2,0.01) rectangle (-1.5,1.6);
\node at (-1.75,1.8) {16\%};
\draw [fill,color=blue!80] (0,0.01) rectangle (0.5,0.4);
\node at (0.25,0.6) {4};
\draw [fill,color=red!80] (1,0.01) rectangle (1.5,0.8);
\node at (1.25,1) {8\%};
\draw [fill,color=blue!80] (3,0.01) rectangle (3.5,2.7);
\node at (3.25,2.9) {27};
\draw [fill,color=red!80] (4,0.01) rectangle (4.5,1.5);
\node at (4.25,1.7) {15\%};
\draw [fill,color=blue!80] (6,0.01) rectangle (6.5,3.9);
\node at (6.25,4.1) {39};
\draw [fill,color=red!80] (7,0.01) rectangle (7.5,1);
\node at (7.25,1.2) {10\%};
\node at (-2.5,7.5) {Legend};
\draw [fill,color=blue!80] (-2.5,7) rectangle (-2.3,7.2);
\draw [fill,color=red!80] (-2.2,7) rectangle (-2,7.2);
\draw [->] (-1.9,7.1) -- ++(1,0);
\node at (0,7.1) {2003};
\draw [fill,color=blue!15] (-2.5,6.5) rectangle (-2.3,6.7);
\draw [fill,color=red!15] (-2.2,6.5) rectangle (-2,6.7);
\draw [->] (-1.9,6.6) -- ++(1,0);
\node at (0,6.6) {2031};
\draw [fill,color=blue!15] (-2.5,0.01) rectangle (-2.1,0.8);
\node at (-2.25,1) {8};
\draw [fill,color=red!15] (-1.5,0.01) rectangle (-1,2.5);
\node at (-1.25,2.7) {25\%};
\draw [fill,color=blue!15] (0.5,0.01) rectangle (0.9,0.6);
\node at (0.75,0.8) {6};
\draw [fill,color=red!15] (1.5,0.01) rectangle (2,0.6);
\node at (1.95,0.8) {6\%};
\draw [fill,color=blue!15] (3.5,0.01) rectangle (3.9,5.9);
\node at (3.75,6.1) {59};
\draw [fill,color=red!15] (4.5,0.01) rectangle (5,1.9);
\node at (4.85,2.1) {19\%};2x3
\draw [fill,color=blue!15] (6.5,0.01) rectangle (6.9,6.6);
\node at (6.25,6.8) {66};
\draw [fill,color=red!15] (7.5,0.01) rectangle (8,0.8);
\node at (7.95,1.0) {8\%};
\begin{frame}[label=slide000A]{Why Metro?}
\item Urbanisation
\item 33\% of population live in Urban areas, in 2011.
\item Contribute 60\% to GDP.
\item Demand for Urban Mass Public Transport.
\item Environment
\item Motorised transport account for 25\% of Carbon Emissions.
\item Per passenger-km, private vehicle emit 5 times more carbon as compared to public transport.
\item In urban areas, Rail based Transport gives minimum carbon footprint.
\item Social benefits
\item Direct and Indirect employment, skill development, asset creation.
\begin{frame}[label=slide001]{Issues and Challenges}
\item Capital Requirement
\item Metro projects are capital intensive with low financial returns.
\item They require multiple funding sources and have a complex financial arrangement
\item Limited private investment
\item For Metro projects undertaken on PPP basis, securing funds is a challenge
\item Predominantly government funded.
\item Time and cost overruns
\item Land acquisition can cause delays.
\item Cost escalation due to delays are a major concern.
\begin{frame}[label=slide002]{Operational Metros}
\item Total operational metro network in India has increased from 81.5 km in 2006 to 222 km in 2012.
\item Average daily ridership is 2.2 million(172 stn) for Delhi Metro, 0.6 million(23 stn) for Kolkata Metro and 0.03 million(6 stn) for Bengaluru Metro
\scalebox{0.4} {
\visible<2-> {
\draw [step=.5cm,gray,dotted,ultra thin,color=green!10] (-0.4,-0.9) grid (12.4,9.9);
\draw[line width=2pt] (0,0) -- (12,0);
\draw[line width=2pt, color=blue] (0,0) -- (0,9) node () [midway, yshift=1cm, xshift=-1cm] {Track KM};
\node[color=blue] at (-0.5,4) {100};
\node[color=blue] at (-0.5,8) {200};
\node at (1.5,-0.5) {2002};
\draw [fill,color=blue!80] (1,0.01) rectangle (2,3.0);
\node at (1.5,3.2) {81.5};
\node at (4.5,-0.5) {2012};
\draw [fill,color=blue!80] (4,0.01) rectangle (5,9.0);
\node at (4.5,9.2) {222};
\draw[line width=2pt, color=red] (12,0) -- (12,9) node () [midway, xshift=1cm, yshift=1cm] {Stations};
\node[color=red] at (12.5,4) {100};
\node[color=red] at (12.5,8) {200};
\node at (7.2,-0.5) {Delhi};
\draw [fill,color=red!80] (7,0.01) rectangle (7,7.0);
\node at (7.2,7.2) {172};
\node at (9.2,-0.5) {Kolkata};
\draw [fill,color=red!80] (9,0.01) rectangle (9.5,1.0);
\node at (9.2,1.2) {23};
\node at (11.2,-0.5) {Bengaluru};
\draw [fill,color=red!80] (11,0.01) rectangle (11.5,0.25);
\node at (11.2,0.6) {6};
\begin{frame}[label=slide003]{Expected Network by 2016-17}
\scalebox{0.6} {
\draw [step=.5cm,gray,dotted,ultra thin,color=green!10] (-0.4,-0.9) grid (12.4,9.9);
\draw[line width=2pt] (0,0) -- (12,0);
\draw[line width=2pt, color=blue] (0,0) -- (0,9) node () [midway, xshift=-1cm] {Track KM};
\node[color=blue] at (-0.5,3) {300};
\node[color=blue] at (-0.5,6) {600};
\node[color=blue] at (-0.5,9) {900};
\node at (1.5,-0.5) {2012};
\draw [fill,color=blue!80] (1,0.01) rectangle (2,2.2);
\node at (1.5,2.4) {222};
\node at (4.5,-0.5) {2017};
\draw [fill,color=blue!80] (4,0.01) rectangle (5,8.1);
\node at (4.5,8.3) {810};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (8,10) {Delhi Metro
125 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (8,8.4) {Bengaluru Metro
107.49 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (8,6.8) {Kolkata Metro
107.7 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (8,5.2) {Mumbai Metro
77.37 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (8,3.6) {Chennai Metro
45 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (12,9) {Jaipur Metro
35.17 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (12,7.4) {Kochi Metro
25.61 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (12,5.8) {Navi Mumbai Metro 23.4 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (12,4.2) {Ahmedabad Metro 23 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (12,2.6) {Gurgaon Metro
11.6 km};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=red, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] at (12,1) {Hyderabad Metro
8 km};
\subsection[stations]{Locating Stations}
\begin{frame}[label=slide004]{Location of Stations}
\scalebox{0.6} {
\draw [step=.5cm,gray,dotted,ultra thin,color=green!10] (-5.4,-2.9) grid (12.4,7.9);
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a1) at (-3,5) {Estimation of rail transit demand};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a2) at (-3,3.5) {User cost};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a3) at (-3,2) {Operator cost};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a4) at (-3,0.5) {Right of way cost};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b0) at (2,7) {Identification of feasible locations for stations};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b1) at (2,4) {Computation of costs for station locations};
\draw [thick, ->] (a1.east) to[out=0,in=200] (b1.west);
\draw [thick, ->] (a2.east) to[out=-60,in=200] (b1.west);
\draw [thick, ->] (a3.east) to[out=0,in=200] (b1.west);
\draw [thick, ->] (a4.east) to[out=0,in=200] (b1.west);
\draw [thick, ->] (b0.south) -- (b1.north);
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=4.5cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (c1) at (7,5) {Minimization of total system cost per person};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=4.5cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (c2) at (7,3.5) {Maximization of ridership};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=4.5cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (c3) at (7,2) {Minimization of user cost per person};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b2) at (2,1) {Optimization of station locations and sequence of stations};
\draw [thick, ->] (c1.west) to[out=-135,in=60] (b2.east);
\draw [thick, ->] (c2.west) to[out=-135,in=60] (b2.east);
\draw [thick, ->] (c3.west) to[out=-135,in=60] (b2.east);
\draw [thick, ->] (b1.south) -- (b2.north);
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=black!10,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b3) at (2,-2) {Final locations and sequence of stations};
\draw [thick, ->] (b2.south) -- (b3.north);
\section{Chennai Metro}
\subsection[Public Transport]{Public Transport Strategy}
\begin{frame}[label=slide100]{Chennai Transport Scenario}
\item 143 lakh trips are made daily by passengers.
\item 64 lakh trips by public transport.
\item Bus - 54 lakhs trip.
\item Suburban - 9 lakhs trip.
\item MRTS - 1 lakhs trip.
\item CMRL will contribute an addl. 5\% by 2016 (7.74 lakhs trip in 2016).
\item Cities like Hong Kong have PT share 90\%, Singapore 65\%
\begin{frame}[label=slide101]{Modal Shares}
\textbf{Mode}&\textbf{2008}&\textbf{Goal for 2023}\\
Public Transport & 27\% & 46\%\\
Interim Public Transport & 7\% & 5\%\\
Private Transport & 32\% & 15\%\\
Non-Motorised Transport\:\:\: & 34\% & 34\%\\
\draw[thick,blue] (0,0) --(10,0);
\item Planned modes of Public Transport.
\item Bus Rapid Transit.
\item Suburban Rail.
\item Metro Rail.
\item Monorail.
\begin{frame}[label=slide102]{Passengers Per Hour in Peak Direction}
\textbf{Mode}&\textbf{Capacity Range (pphpd)}\\
Dense Bus & 3,000\\
Bus Rapid Transit & 3,000 - 8,000\\
LRT/Monorail & 8,000 - 20,000\\
Metro Rail & 20,000 - 40,000\\
Suburban Rail & 30,000 - 60,000\\
\begin{frame}[label=slide103]{Public Transport Shift Strategy}
\item Monorail along highly congested feeder routes.
\item Chennai Metro along high density corridors.
\item BRTS along certain corridors.
\item Modernisation of suburban rail system.
\item Standard Bicycling and Pedestrian facilities.
\item Physical Integration of Metro, Mono, Bus, BRT and Suburban Rail under CUMTA Fare Integration and Common Ticketing.
\subsection[CMRL]{Works in Progress}
\begin{frame}[label=slide111]{Project Cost}
Equity & 2,190 & 2,190 & 4,380\\
Debt & 730 & 844 & 1,574\\
JICA Loan & 8,646 & 0 & 8,646\\
Total & 11,566 & 3,034 & 14,600\\
\begin{frame}[label=slide112]{Current Status}
\item Chennai Metro is being implemented in about 45 km.
\item Elevated - 21 km.
\item Underground - 24 km.
\item Can eventually carry 45,000 passengers/hour/direction.
\item Loan from JICA being disbursed in stages.
\item MOU with GOI signed on 15.2.2011.
\item 23 out of 23 packages awarded and works are under various stages of progress.
\item Recruitment process for Operation and Maintenance initiated.
\begin{frame}[label=slide113]{Multimodal Integration}
\scalebox{0.6} {
\draw [step=.5cm,gray,dotted,ultra thin,color=green!10] (-7.4,-2.9) grid (10.4,7.9);
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a1) at (-5,7) {Washermanpet};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a2) at (-5,6) {Central};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a3) at (-5,4.5) {High Court};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a4) at (-5,3) {Egmore};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a5) at (-5,1.5) {CMBT};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a6) at (-5,0) {St. Thomas Mount};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=3cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (a7) at (-5,-1.5) {Airport};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=10cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b1) at (4,7) {Washermanpet Suburban \& Mint Bus Stand};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=10cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b2) at (4,6) {Central, Moore Market \& Park Suburban};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=10cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b3) at (4,4.5) {Broadway Bus Stand};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=10cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b4) at (4,3) {Egmore Station};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=10cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b5) at (4,1.5) {CMBT Bus Stand};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=10cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b6) at (4,0) {St. Thomas Mount Station (SR \& MRTS)};
\node[rectangle, draw, thick, text width=10cm, color=blue, fill=Goldenrod!20,
text centered, rounded corners,minimum height=2em] (b7) at (4,-1.5) {International Airport};
\draw [thick, blue, <->] (a1) -- (b1);
\draw [thick, blue, <->] (a2) -- (b2);
\draw [thick, blue, <->] (a3) -- (b3);
\draw [thick, blue, <->] (a4) -- (b4);
\draw [thick, blue, <->] (a5) -- (b5);
\draw [thick, blue, <->] (a6) -- (b6);
\draw [thick, blue, <->] (a7) -- (b7);
\subsection[Features]{System Features}
\item Approximately spaced a kilometer apart.
\item Equipped with Elevators and Lifts.
\item Underground stations air-conditioned.
\item Underground stations have Platform Screen Doors.
\item BMS in each stations.
item Differently abled friendly.
\item Maximum Speed 80kmph.
\item Average Speed 34kmph.
\item Coaches fully air-conditioned with Passenger Information System.
\item First Class available.
\item Wheel chair ingress/egress facility available.
\item Passenger capacity per coach - 300 approx.
\item Power input by 25KV overhead lines.
\item Regenerative 'Green' braking.
\item Initially 4 car trains.
\item Designed for $2\frac{1}{2}$ minutes headway.
\item Cab Signaling.
\item Automatic Train Operation with Automatic Train Protection.
\item Centralised operations through OCC.
\item Smart Card, Ticket vending machines.
\begin{frame}[label=slide999]{Thank You }
\begin{frame}[label=slide004]{Location of Stations}
\item Urbanisation
\begin{frame}[label=slide001]{Location of Stations}
\scalebox{0.6} {
\draw [step=.5cm,gray,dotted,ultra thin,color=green!10] (-5.4,-0.9) grid (12.4,9.9);