Math 206 Homework
Jibri L Kea
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9 yıl önce
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Math 206 homework

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Math 206 homework
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%description: Math 290 HW Template
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%Identification, Change as necessary!
{\Large Jibri Kea} \hfill
{\large Math 206, Section 2,} %Delete one
\hfill \today
I worked with:
\item \textbf{Problem 6: Number Systems} Perform D3F02 (hex) + C34D (hex). State your answer in hexadecimal and decimal.
D3F02h + C34Dh
\[ D 3 F 0 2 h\]
\[1101 + 0011 + 1111 + 0000 + 0010 b\]
\[ 13 + 3 + 15 + 0 + 2 d\]
\[13*16^{4} + 3*16^{3} + 15*16^{2} + 0*16^{1} + 2*16^{0}\]
\[851,968 + 12,288 + 3,840 + 0 + 2d\]
\[12*16^{3} + 3*16^{2} + 4*16^{1} + 13*16^{0}\]
\[D3F02h+C34Dh= 918,095d\]
\[E024Fh = 918,095d\]
\item \textbf{Problem 8: Number Systems} Convert 109 to base 7.
\[109 / 7 = 15 R4\]
\[15 / 7 = 2 R1\]
\[98+7+4 =109d=214_{7}\]
\item \textbf{Problem 19} Find a closed form.
\[a_{n} = c+dn+fn^{2}\]
\[a_{1} = c+d+f=1\]
\[a_{2} = c+2d+4f=4\]
\[a_{3} = c+3d+9f=7\]
\item \textbf{Problem 19} Find a closed form.
For n is greater than/equal to 0.
\[GUESS a_{n}=2_{n-1}\]
\[n=0: True -1=0-1=-1\]
Assume for some n >= 1. a(k) = 2(k) - 1